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░▓ about ▓ custom linux config files
░▓ author ▓ xero <[email protected]>
░▓ code ▓ http://code.xero.nu/dotfiles
░▓ mirror ▓ http://git.io/.files
awesome > awesome wm config and ghost theme
compton > minimal composite config for opacity
figlet > custom 3d font
fonts > configs for gohu and other bitmap fonts
fun > term color, sys info, and other misc scripts
git > global git config and aliases
herbstluftwm > herbstluft wm config and greybeard theme
irssi > nixers irc theme
mc > midnight commander ui colors
mpd > music player daemon setup
ncmpcpp > ncurses mpc++ ui/color settings
pacman > pacman colors and progress bar animations
ranger > file manager with image previews and z3bra theme
ryu-login > ryu ansi art for /etc/issue tty login
ssh > remote ssh server keep alive
sys > system automation scripts
stalonetray > stand alone tray for daemons
sublime > sublime text 2 with greybeard, monokai, and gohu
themes > mod of the cathexis dark theme for gtk/qt/xfce
tmux > terminal multiplexer with custom status bar
urxvt > sourcerer terminal colors and keyboard settings
vim > wizard status bar and sourcerer color scheme
wallpaper > the cool desktop background images i use
zsh > zshell settings, aliases, and custom prompts
#managing it's been said of every console user: "you are your dotfiles".
i manage mine with gnu stow, a free, portable, lightweight symlink farm manager. this allows me to keep a versioned directory of all my config files that are virtually linked into place via a single command. this makes sharing these files among many users (root) and computers super simple. and does not clutter your home directory with version control files.
#installing stow is available for all gnu/linux and most other unix like distributions via your package manager.
sudo pacman -S stow
sudo apt-get install stow
brew install stow
#how it works
by default the stow command will create symlinks for files in the parent directory of where you execute the command. so my dotfiles setup assumes this repo is located in the root of your home directory ~/dotfiles
. and all stow commands should be executed in that directory. otherwise you'll need to use the -d
flag with the repo directory location.
to install most of my configs you execute the stow command with the folder name as the only argument.
to install herbstluft theme use the command:
stow herbstluftwm
this will symlink files to ~/.config/herbstluftwm
and various other places.
but you can override the default behavior and symlink files to another location with the -t
(target) argument flag.
to install the ryu-login you need to execute the command:
stow -t / ryu-login
this will symlink the file to /etc/issue
note: stow can only create a symlink if a config file does not already exist. if a default file was created upon program installation you must delete it first before you can install a new one with stow. this does not apply to directories, only files.
#tl;dr navigate to your home directory
cd ~
clone the repo:
git clone http://git.xero.nu/dotfiles.git
enter the dotfiles directory
cd dotfiles
install the zsh settings
stow zsh
install zsh settings for the root user
sudo stow zsh -t /root
install awesomewm theme
stow awesome
uninstall awesome theme
stow -D awesome
install herbstluftwm
stow herbstluftwm
- chroimum with cathexis gtk & greybeard devtools
- figlet -f 3d webdev | lolcat