A. C. Boley, 15 Sept. 2021
ABIRL is a simple implementation of astropy and related libraries to reduce astronomical observations. It is also a work in progress, and this repo is to help me stay organized.
In python
, load the library as normal:
:import ABIRL as ab
You can always type
:help(ab) to see your options
The following provides a list of the main tasks.
headerSearch(filelist, SEARCHKEY="OBJECT", SEARCHVAL="bias",NAMEONLY=False,LISTALL=False)
- Scans list of file names to display exposure times and object types from HDU header.
- Will also show all values in header itels if listall=True.
- NAMEONLY just prints the filename if a match exists.
- Use to get approximate coords if you trust the plate scale. But be careful and check it.
- This is not an astrometric solution.
- pxu converts the pixelsize to the same units used for the platescale. Default assumes pixel is in um while platescale is mm/".
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
- Applies a median filter over the entire image in that it runs a window over the original data and replaces each pixel with the median for a window centred on that pixel.
- BLOCKY and BLOCKX control the size of the rectangular window (+/- BLOCK* from the centre pixel).
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
- Subtract the median value from all pixels within a chunk of the image.
- The median value is based on a window of width 2 BLOCKX +1 and 2 BLOCKY +1.
- The setting SKIP sets the number of cells in each image chunk, which is used to speed things up.
- SKIP=1 does not use image chunks. Larger chunks are faster, but can create pixelation.
- But this is better than the deceptive pixelation that could be created by too small of BLOCKX and BLOCKY.
- Ultimately, this is for removing gradients in the images.
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
- Subtracts the median within a window from each pixel.
- The window is centred on the pixel of interest, with size 2 BLOCK* + 1.
- Careful of bright features, which can create image artefacts.
- The purpose is to flatten an image. If this is too slow, consider using chunkQuartileFlatten
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
- Super fast way to flatten an image by directly subtracting medians
- based on a supergrid set by BLOCKY and BLOCKX subdivisions of the
- image in X and Y, respectively. This can leave sudden jumps between
- regions of different brightnesses. If this is the case, consider chunkQuartileFlatten
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
- Sometimes it could be advantageous to add a flat background adu. Not standard.
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
subtractImg(fout, fitsToSubtract, filelist,catch=1)
- Subtracts one image from all images in a list.
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
divideImg(fout, fitsDenominator, filelist)
- Divides all images in list by another image.
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
meanCombine(fout, filelist)
- Mean combine files in file list takes.
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
meanCombine(fout, filelist)
- Median combine files in file list.
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
skyMedianCombine(fout, filelist)
- Median combine sky flat files in file list.
- Ensures normalization before combing, as exposure times vary
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
- Median of one file
- You need to first create an aperture list that contains the pixel X Y coordinates, the inner radius of the aperture, and the outer radius of the aperture.
- The filelist should have the same order as the aperture list.
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
- Get magnitudes for objects in aperture file and compare with Gaia catalogue.
- Requires apiEx and assumes images are astrometrically calibrated.
- photlist is the list of aperture files.
- fout is the prefix of the output files.
- get region width in arcseconds.
- Assumes ds9 regionfile output of a polygon.
- Units need to be in degrees for the region file
- Roll the image following RISE and RUN in pixels.
- Used for aligning satellite streaks along columns or rows. Experimental.