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Vue 3 Map Chart npm (scoped)

A Vue JS Component for displaying dynamic data on a world and continents maps.

Demo GIF


If you are using npm:

npm i vue3-map-chart

If you are using yarn:

yarn add vue3-map-chart

If you are using pnpm:

pnpm add vue3-map-chart


View the live demo here


You can add this package globally to your project:

// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'

import App from './App.vue'

import Vue3MapChart from 'vue3-map-chart'
import 'vue3-map-chart/dist/style.css'


If needed rename component to use:

createApp(App).use(Vue3MapChart, { name: 'MyMapChart' }).mount('#app') // use in template <MyMapChart />

Alternatively you can also import the component locally:

<script setup>
 import { MapChart } from 'vue3-map-chart'
 import 'vue3-map-chart/dist/style.css'

This component is most useful in creating a heat map for various countries. And will color countries differently based on a props passed.

The component requires a prop of data to be passed to it, which is a JS object formatted like so.

<script setup>
 import { MapChart } from 'vue3-map-chart'

 const data = {
    DE: 95,
    FR: 47,
    GB: 10,

Or if for some reasons you want to customize each country color.

<script setup>
 import { MapChart } from 'vue3-map-chart'

 const data = {
    AU: {
      color: 'blue',
      value: 58,
    NZ: {
      color: '#339601',
      value: 42,
    ID: {
      color: '#F7931E',
      value: 62,

The key is a country's ISO 3166 Code. You can then use the component in your template

 <MapChart :data="data" />


Name Type Description Default Required
data number / { value?: number, color?: string, legendLabel?: string } See Usage Section above for details undefined Yes
type 'world' / 'africa' / 'asia' / 'europe' / 'north-america' / 'south-america' / 'oceania' Type of map displayed 'world' No
baseColor string Color use for data representation '#0782c5' No
langCode string The language of countries name 'en' No
width number / string Width of map '100%' No
height number / string Height of map 500 No
mapStyles CSSProperties Styles applied to map {} No
displayLegend boolean Display legend when mouse passes hover area on map true No
displayLegendWhenEmpty boolean Do not display legend when area value is empty true No
legendBgColor string Color of legend tooltip box 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' No
legendTextColor string Color of legend text '#d8d8d8' No
legendValuePrefix string Prefix added to value displayed on legend '' No
legendValueSuffix string Suffix added to value displayed on legend '' No
defaultStrokeColor string Default map stroke color 'rgb(200, 200, 200)' No
defaultStrokeHoverColor string Default map stroke hover color 'rgb(200, 200, 200)' No
defaultFillColor string Default map fill color 'rgb(236, 236, 236)' No
defaultFillHoverColor string Default map fill hover color 'rgb(226, 226, 226)' No
formatValueWithSiPrefix boolean Formats a number with a magnitude suffix false No
forceCursorPointer boolean Force the cursor to be in pointer mode even when the legend display is disabled false No


  • mapItemClick

    • This event is fired when an map area is clicked.
  • mapItemMouseout

    • This event is fired when the mouse leaves a map area.
  • mapItemMouseover

    • This event is fired when the mouse passes over the top of an map area.
<script setup>
 import { MapChart } from 'vue3-map-chart'

 const data = {
    US: 43,
    CA: 63,
    GB: 20,

  const onMapItemClick = (areaId, areaValue) => {

  const onMapItemMouseout = (areaId, areaValue) => {

  const onMapItemMouseover = (areaId, areaValue) => {


This package use SVG maps from amCharts


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
