Utilities to generate, render and hack with any sort of mazes.
npm i mazes101 --save
The project is still under development and therefore contributions are welcomed here is the Status of the project:
- Boards
- Rectangular Board
- Weave Board
- Circular Board
- Triangular Board
- Hexagonal Board
- Generators
- Aldous Broder
- Backtrack
- Eller
- Kruskal
- Prim
- Sidewinder
- Wilson
- Renderers
- Canvas
If you feel something is missing or something can be done better feel free to open an issue or direct create a PR for that. Following this a basic overview of progress on this project. We can also pickup anything that is not implemented yet.
I'm also thinking to port the code base to other languages, current Python & Dart are in my wishlist so any contributions to porting are also welcomed.