Collection of microcontroller projects to 'remote control' another device, including miscellaneous testing scripts.
These scripts are to be used within the CircuitPython framework, mostly using the RP2040 chipset. I will not be including any of the required libraries within this repo, however, they'll be linked/referenced where necessary. Most of the scripts will be prepended with main_
to facilitate renaming them to ->
on the device's storage (I haven't figured out a better workflow yet).
nRF24_RemoteControl: This contains the main scripts to setup boards to act as transmitter and receiver nodes of a basic remote control, sending commands from one to the other.
This will potentially be used to control the modes of a string of lights by sending it different commands ("off", "on, white", etc.). The mechanism to select the mode may be via an accelerometer within a platonic solid (up = mode1, left side = mode3, etc).
The receive module has been setup with an OshPark pcb to accept a Sparkfun Pro Micro with an rRF24L01 module on top of it.
The transmit module, however, is planned to be a Sparkfun Thing Plus RP2040 so that a battery can be used (the Thing Plus features a battery input and a handful of battery related circuits onboard).
MPU6050_Testing: Handful of scripts to test the MPU6050 accelerometer sensor
nRF24_Testing: Scripts to test the nRF24L01 transceiver, mostly copied over from after adjusting for the pins I have set up.
ColorDescriptors: Easily defined color descriptor words to be passed from one node to another
EasyStreamNrf24: Extends the normal NRF send/receive commands to combine multiple consecutive packets together