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nka-coder committed Feb 20, 2021
0 parents commit 772a667
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Showing 9 changed files with 4,926 additions and 0 deletions.
751 changes: 751 additions & 0 deletions 1_Data_Exploration.ipynb

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2,479 changes: 2,479 additions & 0 deletions 2_Plagiarism_Feature_Engineering.ipynb

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1,043 changes: 1,043 additions & 0 deletions 3_Training_a_Model.ipynb

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33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions
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# Plagiarism Project, Machine Learning Deployment

This repository contains code and associated files for deploying a plagiarism detector using AWS SageMaker.

## Project Overview

In this project, you will be tasked with building a plagiarism detector that examines a text file and performs binary classification; labeling that file as either *plagiarized* or *not*, depending on how similar that text file is to a provided source text. Detecting plagiarism is an active area of research; the task is non-trivial and the differences between paraphrased answers and original work are often not so obvious.

This project will be broken down into three main notebooks:

**Notebook 1: Data Exploration**
* Load in the corpus of plagiarism text data.
* Explore the existing data features and the data distribution.
* This first notebook is **not** required in your final project submission.

**Notebook 2: Feature Engineering**

* Clean and pre-process the text data.
* Define features for comparing the similarity of an answer text and a source text, and extract similarity features.
* Select "good" features, by analyzing the correlations between different features.
* Create train/test `.csv` files that hold the relevant features and class labels for train/test data points.

**Notebook 3: Train and Deploy Your Model in SageMaker**

* Upload your train/test feature data to S3.
* Define a binary classification model and a training script.
* Train your model and deploy it using SageMaker.
* Evaluate your deployed classifier.


Please see the [README]( in the root directory for instructions on setting up a SageMaker notebook and downloading the project files (as well as the other notebooks).

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import re
import pandas as pd
import operator
import numpy as np
import sklearn
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

# Add 'datatype' column that indicates if the record is original wiki answer as 0, training data 1, test data 2, onto
# the dataframe - uses stratified random sampling (with seed) to sample by task & plagiarism amount

# Use function to label datatype for training 1 or test 2
def create_datatype(df, train_value, test_value, datatype_var, compare_dfcolumn, operator_of_compare, value_of_compare,
sampling_number, sampling_seed):
# Subsets dataframe by condition relating to statement built from:
# 'compare_dfcolumn' 'operator_of_compare' 'value_of_compare'
df_subset = df[operator_of_compare(df[compare_dfcolumn], value_of_compare)]
df_subset = df_subset.drop(columns = [datatype_var])

# Prints counts by task and compare_dfcolumn for subset df
#print("\nCounts by Task & " + compare_dfcolumn + ":\n", df_subset.groupby(['Task', compare_dfcolumn]).size().reset_index(name="Counts") )

# Sets all datatype to value for training for df_subset
df_subset.loc[:, datatype_var] = train_value

# Performs stratified random sample of subset dataframe to create new df with subset values
df_sampled = df_subset.groupby(['Task', compare_dfcolumn], group_keys=False).apply(lambda x: x.sample(min(len(x), sampling_number), random_state = sampling_seed))
df_sampled = df_sampled.drop(columns = [datatype_var])
# Sets all datatype to value for test_value for df_sampled
df_sampled.loc[:, datatype_var] = test_value

# Prints counts by compare_dfcolumn for selected sample
#print("\nCounts by "+ compare_dfcolumn + ":\n", df_sampled.groupby([compare_dfcolumn]).size().reset_index(name="Counts") )
#print("\nSampled DF:\n",df_sampled)

# Labels all datatype_var column as train_value which will be overwritten to
# test_value in next for loop for all test cases chosen with stratified sample
for index in df_sampled.index:
# Labels all datatype_var columns with test_value for straified test sample
df_subset.loc[index, datatype_var] = test_value

#print("\nSubset DF:\n",df_subset)
# Adds test_value and train_value for all relevant data in main dataframe
for index in df_subset.index:
# Labels all datatype_var columns in df with train_value/test_value based upon
# stratified test sample and subset of df
df.loc[index, datatype_var] = df_subset.loc[index, datatype_var]

# returns nothing because dataframe df already altered

def train_test_dataframe(clean_df, random_seed=100):

new_df = clean_df.copy()

# Initialize datatype as 0 initially for all records - after function 0 will remain only for original wiki answers
new_df.loc[:,'Datatype'] = 0

# Creates test & training datatypes for plagiarized answers (1,2,3)
create_datatype(new_df, 1, 2, 'Datatype', 'Category',, 0, 1, random_seed)

# Creates test & training datatypes for NON-plagiarized answers (0)
create_datatype(new_df, 1, 2, 'Datatype', 'Category', operator.eq, 0, 2, random_seed)

# creating a dictionary of categorical:numerical mappings for plagiarsm categories
mapping = {0:'orig', 1:'train', 2:'test'}

# traversing through dataframe and replacing categorical data
new_df.Datatype = [mapping[item] for item in new_df.Datatype]

return new_df

# helper function for pre-processing text given a file
def process_file(file):
# put text in all lower case letters
all_text =

# remove all non-alphanumeric chars
all_text = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", all_text)
# remove newlines/tabs, etc. so it's easier to match phrases, later
all_text = re.sub(r"\t", " ", all_text)
all_text = re.sub(r"\n", " ", all_text)
all_text = re.sub(" ", " ", all_text)
all_text = re.sub(" ", " ", all_text)

return all_text

def create_text_column(df, file_directory='data/'):
'''Reads in the files, listed in a df and returns that df with an additional column, `Text`.
:param df: A dataframe of file information including a column for `File`
:param file_directory: the main directory where files are stored
:return: A dataframe with processed text '''

# create copy to modify
text_df = df.copy()

# store processed text
text = []

# for each file (row) in the df, read in the file
for row_i in df.index:
filename = df.iloc[row_i]['File']
file_path = file_directory + filename
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file:

# standardize text using helper function
file_text = process_file(file)
# append processed text to list

# add column to the copied dataframe
text_df['Text'] = text

return text_df

def create_ngram_array(n,a_text, s_text):

with open("data/"+a_text) as f:
a_text_content ='\n')

with open("data/"+s_text) as f:
s_text_content ='\n')

counts= CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', ngram_range=(n,n))
counts_vocabulary =[a_text_content, s_text_content]).vocabulary_
ngrams = counts.fit_transform([a_text_content, s_text_content])
ngram_array = ngrams.toarray()

return ngram_array

def original_file(df,answer_filename):

if answer_filename.find('a.txt'):
file = 'orig_taska.txt'

if answer_filename.find('b.txt'):
file = 'orig_taskb.txt'

if answer_filename.find('c.txt'):
file = 'orig_taskc.txt'

if answer_filename.find('d.txt'):
file = 'orig_taskd.txt'

if answer_filename.find('e.txt'):
file = 'orig_taske.txt'

return file
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from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
import sklearn.naive_bayes
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re

# test csv file
TEST_CSV = 'data/test_info.csv'

class AssertTest(object):
'''Defines general test behavior.'''
def __init__(self, params):
self.assert_param_message = '\n'.join([str(k) + ': ' + str(v) + '' for k, v in params.items()])

def test(self, assert_condition, assert_message):
assert assert_condition, assert_message + '\n\nUnit Test Function Parameters\n' + self.assert_param_message

def _print_success_message():
print('Tests Passed!')

# test clean_dataframe
def test_numerical_df(numerical_dataframe):

# test result
transformed_df = numerical_dataframe(TEST_CSV)

# Check type is a DataFrame
assert isinstance(transformed_df, pd.DataFrame), 'Returned type is {}.'.format(type(transformed_df))

# check columns
column_names = list(transformed_df)
assert 'File' in column_names, 'No File column, found.'
assert 'Task' in column_names, 'No Task column, found.'
assert 'Category' in column_names, 'No Category column, found.'
assert 'Class' in column_names, 'No Class column, found.'

# check conversion values
assert transformed_df.loc[0, 'Category'] == 1, '`heavy` plagiarism mapping test, failed.'
assert transformed_df.loc[2, 'Category'] == 0, '`non` plagiarism mapping test, failed.'
assert transformed_df.loc[30, 'Category'] == 3, '`cut` plagiarism mapping test, failed.'
assert transformed_df.loc[5, 'Category'] == 2, '`light` plagiarism mapping test, failed.'
assert transformed_df.loc[37, 'Category'] == -1, 'original file mapping test, failed; should have a Category = -1.'
assert transformed_df.loc[41, 'Category'] == -1, 'original file mapping test, failed; should have a Category = -1.'


def test_containment(complete_df, containment_fn):

# check basic format and value
# for n = 1 and just the fifth file
test_val = containment_fn(complete_df, 1, 'g0pA_taske.txt')

assert isinstance(test_val, float), 'Returned type is {}.'.format(type(test_val))
assert test_val<=1.0, 'It appears that the value is not normalized; expected a value <=1, got: '+str(test_val)

# known vals for first few files
filenames = ['g0pA_taska.txt', 'g0pA_taskb.txt', 'g0pA_taskc.txt', 'g0pA_taskd.txt']
ngram_1 = [0.39814814814814814, 1.0, 0.86936936936936937, 0.5935828877005348]
ngram_3 = [0.0093457943925233638, 0.96410256410256412, 0.61363636363636365, 0.15675675675675677]

# results for comparison
results_1gram = []
results_3gram = []

for i in range(4):
val_1 = containment_fn(complete_df, 1, filenames[i])
val_3 = containment_fn(complete_df, 3, filenames[i])

# check correct results
assert all(np.isclose(results_1gram, ngram_1, rtol=1e-04)), \
'n=1 calculations are incorrect. Double check the intersection calculation.'
# check correct results
assert all(np.isclose(results_3gram, ngram_3, rtol=1e-04)), \
'n=3 calculations are incorrect.'


def test_lcs(df, lcs_word):

test_index = 10 # file 10

# get answer file text
answer_text = df.loc[test_index, 'Text']

# get text for orig file
# find the associated task type (one character, a-e)
task = df.loc[test_index, 'Task']
# we know that source texts have Class = -1
orig_rows = df[(df['Class'] == -1)]
orig_row = orig_rows[(orig_rows['Task'] == task)]
source_text = orig_row['Text'].values[0]

# calculate LCS
test_val = lcs_word(answer_text, source_text)

# check type
assert isinstance(test_val, float), 'Returned type is {}.'.format(type(test_val))
assert test_val<=1.0, 'It appears that the value is not normalized; expected a value <=1, got: '+str(test_val)

# known vals for first few files
lcs_vals = [0.1917808219178082, 0.8207547169811321, 0.8464912280701754, 0.3160621761658031, 0.24257425742574257]

# results for comparison
results = []

for i in range(5):
# get answer and source text
answer_text = df.loc[i, 'Text']
task = df.loc[i, 'Task']
# we know that source texts have Class = -1
orig_rows = df[(df['Class'] == -1)]
orig_row = orig_rows[(orig_rows['Task'] == task)]
source_text = orig_row['Text'].values[0]
# calc lcs
val = lcs_word(answer_text, source_text)

# check correct results
assert all(np.isclose(results, lcs_vals, rtol=1e-05)), 'LCS calculations are incorrect.'


def test_data_split(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y):

# check types
assert isinstance(train_x, np.ndarray),\
'train_x is not an array, instead got type: {}'.format(type(train_x))
assert isinstance(train_y, np.ndarray),\
'train_y is not an array, instead got type: {}'.format(type(train_y))
assert isinstance(test_x, np.ndarray),\
'test_x is not an array, instead got type: {}'.format(type(test_x))
assert isinstance(test_y, np.ndarray),\
'test_y is not an array, instead got type: {}'.format(type(test_y))

# should hold all 95 submission files
assert len(train_x) + len(test_x) == 95, \
'Unexpected amount of train + test data. Expecting 95 answer text files, got ' +str(len(train_x) + len(test_x))
assert len(test_x) > 1, \
'Unexpected amount of test data. There should be multiple test files.'

# check shape
assert train_x.shape[1]==2, \
'train_x should have as many columns as selected features, got: {}'.format(train_x.shape[1])
assert len(train_y.shape)==1, \
'train_y should be a 1D array, got shape: {}'.format(train_y.shape)



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