SemiColon's Resgitration system is a full-stack system, consisting of 3 projects: Registration Website, the Dashboard (this), and the Backend.
The system is built with React.js, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB (MERN stack) with the addition of TypeScript & Redux. The system is made for recruitment tracking and management, designed to streamline the events' registration process for SemiColon; a student organization at Ain Shams University. The application provides a centralized platform for HR & directors to manage registrations & recruitment and track their progress through the registration pipeline, helping them through reviewing the candidate's data, keeping track of their status, interviewing and saving the interview notes, automatically emailing candidates & more.
Authentication, Authorization & user accounts
- The system uses user accounts with different privilege levels for authorization.
- There are multiple account levels: Viewers, Moderators & Administrators, with different levels of control.
- Administrators are able to create accounts through the dashboard, edit them and deactivate them.
- Uses JWT.
Logs & action logging for user actions.
- The system tracks & saves all actions done by all user accounts, ex: editing a candidate status.
Saving & tracking candidates & registrations.
- Registrations' data is saved into the database
- Able to declare & keep track of the candidate's status through the dashboard; the status could be Pending, Scheduled for interview, Accepted, Rejected, etc.
- Able to save interview notes about the candidate with multiple predefined criterium & ability to see the interviewer and date of the interview.
- Filter candidates by track or status.
- Search for a candidate using name or phone number.
- Data visualizations inside the dashboard for interesting information such as: tracks most applied to, academic year of candidates, etc.
System Security: security of the system was guaranteed by:
- Rate limiting: especially on critical endpoints such as registration (preventing spam registrations) & login.
- User account Authentication & Authorization.
- User action logs.
Automatic mass email sending.
- Admins can choose a specific track & status to automatically send an email to all candidates' having that track & status. Ex: sending acceptal emails to all accepted candidates of a specific track.
Demo Mode
- The dashboard project was converted into using Redux to get central state management.
- This allowed a Demo Mode to be implemented, to preview the functionality of the dashboard without exposing private data.
- Registration site:
- Dashboard:
- Backend: (might take 2 mins to wake up)
An account is needed for entering the Dashboard, however there's a Demo Mode button in the dashboard login page that can be used to view the dashboard and its features with fake data.
Technologies: React.js, TypeScript, Redux-Toolkit, ChartJS & Axios.
Data visualizations and charts for registerations' data:
A participants page to show each user's data with the ability to search within them using their name or phone, choose the participants applied in a specific track, or choose the participants with a certain state (accepted, rejected, filtered, emailed, ...).
Admin Dashboard, to view existing user accounts with the ability to create new accounts, edit them, and deactivate them.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd SemiColon-dashboard-frontend
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev