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Energy loss tables

Valentin Niess edited this page Feb 5, 2021 · 3 revisions

A detailed description of energy loss process, as implemented in PUMAS, can be found in section 3.1 of the reference paper (arXiv:1705.05636).

Energy loss tables in PUMAS

In order to allow for different energy loss models, the μ (τ) average energy loss computed by PUMAS is normalized to user supplied values, read from materials specific tables. These tables must conform to the PDG text format. A large compilation of material data is available online from the PDG. In addition, those materials data are also provided by the pumas-materials project. The latter have been self-generated with PUMAS. For μ, PUMAS data tables are more accurate than the PDG ones above 100 TeV energies due to improvements on the photonuclear cross-section (see e.g. Sokalski et al.).

Generating tables with PUMAS

Energy loss tabulation can be generated with PUMAS using its internal Physics models. This is done by creating a specific pumas_physics object with the pumas_physics_create_tabulation. Then the pumas_physics_tabulate function allows to generate the tabulations.