Easy to use heist payout calculator. Calc the Payout quick and fair.
Prefilled so you can see it: https://nielsq.github.io/NP-PayOutCalc/preFill
Just click the link. There is nothing ot be downloading, nothing to be uploaded, nothing to be saved. Input the values and press Calc and your done.
Please send me Feedback. Via github or on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/AFK-Spezi I also would love to see some Twitch clips if it gets used.
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X: https://clips.twitch.tv/DifficultGoodSnoodSuperVinlin-vxiqrGBqdXnukvy9 X: https://clips.twitch.tv/DistinctCrypticLocustLitFam-cUjCgEuINI-60qgQ