A NodeJS client to automatically configure a Keycloak instance already setup with keycloak-spid-provider plugin
- downloads metadata for all 10 official SPID IdPs and creates related Keycloak configuration along with mappers
- creates Keycloak configuration for AgID SPID Demo Validator (https://demo.spid.gov.it/validator)
- creates Keycloak configuration for AgID SPID Validator (for accreditamento) (https://validator.spid.gov.it)
- creates Keycloak configuration for a local spid-saml-check instance
Docker or node
and npm
Copy .env-example
to .env
, configure it and wipe out the comments
If you want to have official AgID SPID Demo Validator (https://demo.spid.gov.it/validator) enabled, set the following .env
file properties
createSpidDemoIdP = true
If you want to have official AgID SPID Validator (https://validator.spid.gov.it) enabled, set the following .env
file properties
createSpidValidatorIdP = true
If you have a local spid-saml-check instance, set the following .env
file properties
createSpidTestIdP = true
spidTestIdPAlias = spid-saml-check
spidTestIdPMetadataURL = https://localhost:8443/metadata.xml
If you have a local spid-saml-check demo instance, set the following .env
file properties
createSpidTestDemoIdP = true
spidTestDemoIdPMetadataURL = https://localhost:8443/demo/metadata.xml
In both cases, make sure that Keycloak can reach the spidTestIdPMetadataURL
and spidTestDemoIdPMetadataURL
URLs and trusts the spid-saml-check
certificate (found in spid-saml-check/spid-validator/config/spid-saml-check.crt
). You can create a new certificate based on your domain (if different from localhost:8443
) with the following command:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes \
-keyout spid-saml-check/spid-validator/config/spid-saml-check.key \
-out spid-saml-check/spid-validator/config/spid-saml-check.pem \
-subj "/C=IT/ST=MI/L=Milan/O=AgID/OU=Servizio Accreditamento/CN=yourdomain.com:8443" \
-addext "subjectAltName = DNS:yourdomain.com, DNS:localhost:8443"
If you want to use spid-sp-test, set the following .env
file properties
createSpidSpTestIdP = true
spidSpTestIdPMetadataURL = https://yourdomain.com/spid-sp-test.xml
Make sure you can uploaded the spid-sp-test metadata.xml to a Keycloak-reachable URL as above. The XML file can be generated with
docker run --rm -it italia/spid-sp-test --idp-metadata > spid-sp-test.xml
Easiest way by leveraging Docker:
If you have NodeJS installed
npm install
npm run create-idps
By default, the new IdPs are created with a SPID-specific Authentication Flow, as per https://github.com/italia/spid-keycloak-provider/wiki/Configuring-the-Authentication-Flow - this is named First Broker Login (SPID)
(ref. idpmodel.json#L11) and must be created before running the client.
- forked from https://github.com/GermanoGiudici/keycloak-spid-provider-configuration-client (kudos to @GermanoGiudici)
- this project is released under the Apache License 2.0, same as the main Keycloak package.