A tiny Alpine based docker image to quickly setup a Meraki VPN client w/ PSK.
Does your office or a client have a VPN server already setup and you just need to connect to it? Do you use Linux and are jealous that the one thing a MAC can do better is quickly setup this kind of VPN? Then here is all you need:
- VPN Server Address
- Pre Shared Key
- Username
- Password
Create docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
image: nicolabeghin/docker-meraki-vpn-client
env_file: secrets.env
privileged: true
container_name: meraki-vpn-client
hostname: meraki-vpn-client
- /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro
Setup credentials in secrets.env
[email protected]
Now run it:
docker-compose up
From the host machine configure traffic to route through VPN link:
# confirm the ppp0 link and get the peer e.g. ( IPV4 address
ip a show ppp0
# route traffic for a specific target ip through VPN tunnel address
sudo ip route add via dev ppp0
# route all traffice through VPN tunnel address
sudo ip route add default via dev ppp0
# or
sudo route add -net default gw dev ppp0
# and delete old default routes e.g.
sudo route del -net default gw dev eth0
# when your done add your normal routes and delete the VPN routes
# or just `docker stop` and you'll probably be okay
You can see if your IP address changes after adding appropriate routes e.g.:
curl icanhazip.com