Manage yum repository client configuration files residing in `/etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo`.
- @param extra_repo_files_state Defines weather to keep or purge unspecified repo files. (purge|keep) Defaults to keep.
- @param data The data that defines the repositories
Enabled by setting the class `enable_yum_repos_d`
bundle agent main
# It's best practice to converge your data first
"yum_repository_definitions" usebundle => yum_repository_definitions;
# Note how the data is passed
"repos" usebundle => yum_repos_d("purge", @(;
bundle agent yum_repository_definitions
# @brieg Define yum repository configurations
string => string_head(
execresult("/bin/rpm -q --queryformat '%{RELEASE}' redhat-release-server", "noshell"),
comment => "return the first three bytes of the OS version number, e.g.
if the redhat-release-server package version is,
return '6.5'. Purpose: so that we can extract the minor
version number, which we assume to be one digit.";
"os_ver_2" string => string_tail("$(os_ver)", 1);
"kickstart" string => ifelse("lab", "http://lab-kickstart", "http://default-kickstart");
meta => { "yum_repos_d" },
data => parsejson('{
"RHEL5_ISO": {
"id": { "value": "RHEL5_ISO"},
"name": { "value": "RHEL5_ISO"},
"baseurl": { "value": "$(kickstart)/repo/RHEL$(os_ver)_$(sys.arch)"},
"gpgcheck": { "value": "1"},
"gpgkey": { "value": "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release" }
meta => { "yum_repos_d" },
data => parsejson('{
"id": { "value": "RHEL5_CUSTOM"},
"name": { "value": "RHEL5_CUSTOM"},
"baseurl": { "value": "$(kickstart)/mrepo/rhel5s-$(sys.arch)/RPMS.custom"},
"gpgcheck": { "value": "0"},
"gpgkey": { "value": "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release" }
meta => { "yum_repos_d" },
data => parsejson('{
"id": { "value": "OEL5_ISO_SRV"},
"name": { "value": "OEL5_ISO_SRV"},
"baseurl": { "value": "$(kickstart)/repo/OEL$(os_ver)_$(sys.arch)/Server"},
"gpgcheck": { "value": "1"},
"gpgkey": { "value": "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release" }
meta => { "yum_repos_d" },
data => parsejson('{
"RHEL6_ISO": {
"id": { "value": "RHEL6_ISO"},
"name": { "value": "RHEL6.$(os_ver2)_ISO"},
"baseurl": { "value": "$(kickstart)/repo/RHEL6.$(os_ver2)_$(sys.arch)"},
"gpgcheck": { "value": "1"},
"gpgkey": { "value": "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release" }
meta => { "yum_repos_d" },
data => parsejson('{
"id": { "value": "VMWARE_TOOL_OSP"},
"name": { "value": "VMWARE_TOOL_OSP"},
"baseurl": { "value": "$(kickstart)/mrepo/vmware-tools-osp/esx5.1u2-6Server-$(sys.arch)"},
"gpgcheck": { "value": "1"},
"gpgkey": { "value": "file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release" }
# It is important to return to the *any* class restriction so that we
# always try to consolidate the defined repos
# Find all of the repo definitions (variables in this bundle tagged with "yum_repos_d")
"repo_defs" slist => variablesmatching("$(this.namespace):$(this.bundle)\..*", "yum_repos_d");
# Now we merge them all together into a single data var
"data" data => parsejson('[]');
"data" data => mergedata(data, $(repo_defs));
# These variables are only useful when debugging
"s_data" string => format("%S", data);
"repo_ids" slist => getindices(data);
"repo_def_count" int => length(repo_ids);
"DEBUG $(this.bundle) YES THIS ONE";
"$(const.t) Found '$(repo_def_count)' yum repo client definitions";
"$(const.t) Found yum_repos_d client definition for '$(repo_ids)'";
"$(const.t) Serialized Data: '$(s_data)'";
"$(const.t) OS Version: '$(os_ver)'";
"$(const.t) OS Minor Version: '$(os_ver_2)'";
Inventory information about yum
All inventory information is cached. If you would like to invalidate the cache you may do so using the following classes:
- yum_info_yum_cache_invalid
- yum_repolist_disabled_cache_invalid
- yum_repollist_enabled_cache_invalid
Enabled by setting the class `enable_yum_inventory`
Ensure the policy is activated
"yum" usebundle => yum_inventory;
Inventory interesting information about yum. Currently this includes the yum plugins (if any) which are loaded.
Variables for enabled plugins are defined and tagged for use in CFEngine Enteprise Mission Portals Inventory interface. Classes are defined for each loaded plugin in the form `yum_plugin_<plugin_name>_loaded`.
Inventory interesting information about the yum repositories configured.
Variables for each enabled and disabled repository are defined and tagged for use in CFEngine Enterprise Mission Poratls Inventory interface. Classes are defined for each configured repo in the form `yum_repo_<repo_id>_enabled` or `yum_repo_<repo_id>_disabled`.
First get the policy into your masterfiles
#+beign_src sh cd /tmp export MASTERFILES=/home/nickanderson/CFEngine/masterfiles git clone cd yum mkdir -p $MASTERFILES/services/cfengine-yum git archive master | tar -x -C $MASTERFILES/services/yum
Include in the augments_file (def.json)
"inputs": [ "services/yum/" ]
To activate the yum inventory policy you can simply include the policy into your
inputs and define the services_autorun
"inputs": [
"classes": {
"services_autorun": [ "any" ]
See the examples like distro_mirrors that show how to manage your client repository configurations.