An index of all our open-source data, analysis, libraries, tools, and guides.
Date | Description | Repo(s) | Article(s) |
2020-11-11 |
Analysis of county-level COVID-19 deaths and presidential voter preference | π | π |
2020-10-28 |
Analysis of 2020's "Electoral College effect" by demographic | π | π |
2020-06-04 |
Analysis of "1033" program transfers since Ferguson | π | π |
2020-05-07 |
Analysis of ZIP codeβlevel COVID-19 cases in five major cities | π | π |
2020-02-27 |
Analysis of Census tractβlevel gentrification in five major cities | π | π |
2019-11-11 |
Analysis of U.S. Census Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), re. generational trends in support providers | π | π |
2019-10-31 |
Analysis for "Your Dumb Tweets Are Getting Flagged To People Trying To Stop School Shootings" | π | π |
2019-10-17 |
Analysis for "Donald Trumpβs Campaign Is Cashing In On Impeachment" | π | π |
2019-10-03 |
Analysis of FCC comments and data breaches | π | π |
2019-08-03 |
Analysis of ActBlue's 2019 mid-year FEC report | π | π |
2019-07-17 |
Analysis of contributions to presidential campaigns, based on 2019 Q2 filings | π | π |
2019-04-22 |
Data and code to make maps and animation depicting current realities of climate change | π | π |
2019-04-16 |
Analysis of donors giving $200+ to multiple Democratic candidates early in 2020 election cycle | π | π |
2019-01-24 |
Data and code for, "Shoot Someone In A Major US City, And Odds Are Youβll Get Away With It" | π | π π |
2018-12-28 |
Year-end analysis of fake news sites and viral posts, 2016β2018 | π | π |
2018-12-19 |
Analysis of WeChat posts re. VP Pence | π | π |
2018-10-25 |
Analysis and graphics for "How Russiaβs Online Trolls Engaged Unsuspecting American Voters β And Sometimes Duped The Media" | π | π |
2018-10-18 |
Analysis of 2018 midterm election demographics | π | π |
2018-09-29 |
Analysis of 'immigration services'-related FTC complaints | π | π |
2018-08-10 |
Data, analysis, and graphics for "Russian Trolls Swarmed The Charlottesville March β Then Twitter Cracked Down" | π | π |
2018-07-28 |
Analysis of wildfire trends (with graphics) | π | π |
2018-07-26 |
Analysis of children's home inspection data from the UK's Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills ("Ofsted") | π | ππ |
2018-06-29 |
Analysis of NYC 311 complaints and gentrification | π | π |
2018-05-01 |
Analysis of fentanyl and cocaine overdose deaths | π | π |
2018-03-02 |
Analysis of diversity in the dialogue of Best Pictureβnominated films | π | π |
2018-02-23 |
Analysis of Olympic figure skating scores | π | π |
2018-02-08 |
Data and analysis for "The Edge" (re. figure skating) | π | π |
2018-01-31 |
Analysis of the text of every State of the Union address | π | π |
2018-01-24 |
Data and analysis for "An Inside Look At The Accounts Twitter Has Censored In Countries Around The World" | π | π |
2018-01-23 |
Data and analysis for "How Trumpβs Tweets Shaped A Year In Politics" | π | π |
2017-12-28 |
Data and analysis for "These Are 50 Of The Biggest Fake News Hits On Facebook In 2017" | π | π |
2017-12-10 |
Data, analysis, and charts for "What Sexual Misconduct Allegations Are Getting The Most Attention On Cable News?" | π | π |
2017-12-05 |
Data and analysis for "We Got Government Data On 20 Years Of Workplace Sexual Harassment Claims. These Charts Break It Down." | π | π |
2017-11-15 |
Data on, and analysis of, federal employee diversity | π | π |
2017-11-03 |
Data and code for "Under Trump, Gun Sales Did Not Spike After The Las Vegas Shooting" | π | π |
2017-09-19 |
Updated analysis of Harvey-related industrial emissions in Texas | π | π |
2017-09-11 |
Federal employee departure rates, for "Trumpβs Election Didnβt Spark An Immediate Exodus From The Federal Government" | π | π |
2017-09-2 |
FOIA logs referenced in "These Scientists Got To See Their Competitorsβ Research Through Public Records Requests." | π | π |
2017-08-31 |
Data and analysis on Harvey-related industrial emissions in Texas | π | π |
2017-08-08 |
Data and analysis for "Inside The Partisan Fight For Your News Feed" | π | π |
2017-08-07 |
Data and analysis for "BuzzFeed News Trained A Computer To Search For Hidden Spy Planes. This Is What We Found." | π | π |
2017-07-25 |
Data and analysis for "If Jeff Sessions Exits, Trump Could Choose An Acting Attorney General From Among Thousands Of People" | π | π |
2017-05-24 |
R code to recreate the graphics in "Why Americans Are So Damn Unhealthy, In 4 Shocking Charts" | π | π |
2017-04-04 |
Data and analysis supporting portions of "Fake News, Real Ads" | π | π |
2017-01-31 |
R code to recreate the graphics in "These Nobel Prizewinners Show Why Immigration Is So Important For American Science" | π | π |
2017-01-19 |
Data and analysis supporting "Most American Adults Get News From Facebook β But They Donβt Really Trust It, A New Survey Says" | π | π |
2017-01-18 |
Data and R code to reproduce the graphics in "2016 Was The Hottest Year. Yes, Greenhouse Gases Are To Blame." | π | π |
2016-12-29 |
Data and analysis re. transgender rights survey | π | ππ |
2016-12-20 |
Data and code to reproduce the graphics from "2016 Will Be The Warmest Year, But This Is How Deniers Will Spin It" | π | π |
2016-12-07 |
Data, methodologies, and analyses supporting "Intake" | πππ | π |
2016-12-06 |
Data and analysis supporting "Most Americans Who See Fake News Believe It, New Survey Says" | π | π |
2016-11-28 |
Data and code supporting evaluation of forecasters' 2016 election forecast | π | π |
2016-11-07 |
Data and analysis supporting "How The Electoral College Screws Hispanic And Asian Voters" | π | π |
2016-11-03 |
Analysis of "bellwether" counties in U.S. presidential elections | π | π |
2016-10-27 |
Data and analysis supporting "Clinton Receives Thirty Times As Much Tech Cash As Trump" | π | π |
2016-10-20 |
Data and analysis supporting "Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate" | π | π |
2016-10-09 |
Data and analysis re. White ancestry and Trump support | π | π |
2016-09-16 |
Code supporting "Why 'Shy Trumpers' Probably Won't Decide The Election" | π | π |
2016-09-08 |
Data and analysis supporting "When Detectives Dismiss Rape Reports Before Investigating Them" | π | π |
2016-08-22 |
Data and analysis supporting "How Katie Ledecky Stacks Up Against Male Swimmers" | π | π |
2016-07-30 |
Data and code supporting "Why Track-And-Field Stars Donβt Set World Records Like They Used To (But Swimmers Do)" | π | π |
2016-07-24 |
Data supporting "The Republican Convention Was Secretly Watched From Above" and "Government Spy Planes Circled Over The Democratic Convention More Intensely Than GOP Event" | π | π π |
2016-05-12 |
Analysis of H-2 debarments, violations, and certifications ("The Pushovers") | π | π |
2016-04-26 |
Analysis of GOP donor movements post-Bush and post-Rubio | π | π |
2016-04-20 |
Analysis of Bernie Sanders's ActBlue donors | π | π |
2016-04-06 |
Data and code for "Spies In The Skies" | π | π |
2016-02-01 |
Bush/Rubio/Cruz donor movement analysis | π | π |
2016-01-29 |
Data and code for "America's Quiet Crackdown On Indian Immigrants" | π | π |
2016-01-26 |
Analysis of Jefferson County (TX) jail data | π | π |
2016-01-26 |
Analysis of criminal case dispositions in Texas municipal courts | π | π |
2016-01-17 |
Methodology and code for "The Tennis Racket" | π | π |
2015-12-29 |
Data and analysis for "The Coyote" | π | π |
2015-12-09 |
How long will the Warriors' win streak last? | π | π |
2015-12-07 |
Race and fatal police shootings | π | π |
2015-12-02 |
Time elapsed between mass shootings in the U.S. | π | π |
2015-12-01 |
H-2 visa certifications and experience requirements | π | π |
2015-11-24 |
Simulated lottery odds | π | π |
2015-11-19 |
Refugee arrivals in the United States | π | π |
2015-10-16 |
Data and analysis re. Scott Walker's donors post-dropout | π | π |
2015-08-25 |
Data and analysis re. immigrant detention rates | π | π |
2015-07-24 |
Data and analysis re. H-2 visa certifications and enforcement | π | π |
2015-07-07 |
Data and analysis re. the use of primates in biodefense research | π | π |
2015-06-04 |
Data and analysis of BuzzFeed/Ipsos poll on same-sex marriage and abortion views | π | π π |
2015-05-03 |
Analyzing #talkpay tweets | π | π |
2015-03-06 |
Analyzing state-by-state changes in earthquake frequency | π | π |
2015-02-20 |
Analyzing deficiencies among Texas foster care child placing agencies | π | π |
2015-02-20 |
Analyzing performance scores of Georgia child placing agencies | π | π |
2014-10-19 |
Debunking the Obama-pronoun myth β data and code | π | π |
2014-09-05 |
Detecting Sunday morning show guests whose "stars are rising" β data and code | π | π |
2014-09-04 |
Comparing college costs to minimum-wage earnings β data, sourcing notes, and analysis | π | π |
2014-08-20 |
Quantifying racial segregation in St. Louis County β code | π | π |
2014-08-13 |
NBA owners' winning percentages β data | π | π |
2014-08-07 |
FTC complaints re. IRS impersonators β data and analysis | π | π |
2014-06-30 |
Firework-related injuries β data | π | π |
2014-06-16 |
Mapping the gender divide in bikeshare programs β data and code | π | π |
Repo | Description |
trumpworld | Data from TrumpWorld |
presidential-campaign-contributions | Contributions, transfers, and refunds from recent U.S. presidential candidates' principal campaign committees. |
nics-firearm-background-checks | Monthly data from the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System, converted from PDF to CSV. |
H-2-certification-data | H-2 visa certification data & data-standardization. |
opm-federal-employment-data | 40+ years of federal employment data from the Office of Personnel Management |
Repo | Description |
whtranscripts | Fetch and parse the American Presidency Project's press-briefing and presidential-news-conference transcripts. |
bikeshares | Standardized parsers for data published by bicycle-sharing programs. Currently supporting: NYC's Citi Bike, Chicago's Divvy, and Boston's Hubway. |
twick | Twitter, quick. Fetch and store tweets on short notice. |
Repo | Description |
zika-data | Data β and pointers to data β related to the 2015β16 Zika virus outbreak. |
bikeshare-data-sources | Guide for getting trip history and station data from various bicycle-sharing programs. |