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nicholasjclark committed Jul 20, 2022
1 parent ae02ca2 commit 1274087
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Showing 20 changed files with 402 additions and 262 deletions.
Binary file removed .DS_Store
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ export(plot_mvgam_fc)
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Binary file removed NEON_manuscript/Case studies/.DS_Store
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Binary file removed NEON_manuscript/Case studies/rsconnect/.DS_Store
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Binary file removed NEON_manuscript/Figures/.DS_Store
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Binary file removed NEON_manuscript/Manuscript/.DS_Store
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245 changes: 7 additions & 238 deletions NEON_manuscript/next_todo.R
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@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
dat <- sim_mvgam(T = 100, n_series=4, n_lv = 1)
dat <- sim_mvgam(T = 100, n_series=3, prop_missing = .4)
plot_mvgam_series(data_train = dat$data_train, series = 1)

mod1 <- mvgam(formula = y ~ s(season, bs = 'cc') +
s(series, bs = 're'),
mod1 <- mvgam(formula = y ~ s(series, bs = 're'),
data_train = dat$data_train,
trend_model = 'AR1',
family = 'poisson',
use_lv = TRUE,
n_lv = 2,
use_stan = TRUE,
run_model = T,
run_model = TRUE,
burnin = 10)

plot(mod1, type = 'residuals')
Expand All @@ -23,238 +24,6 @@ plot(mod1, 'trend', data_test = fake)

plot_mvgam_series = function(data_train, data_test, series, n_bins,
log_scale = FALSE){

if(series == 'all'){
n_plots <- length(levels(data_train$series))
pages <- 1
.pardefault <- par(no.readonly=T)

if (n_plots > 4) pages <- 2
if (n_plots > 8) pages <- 3
if (n_plots > 12) pages <- 4
if (pages != 0) {
ppp <- n_plots %/% pages

if (n_plots %% pages != 0) {
ppp <- ppp + 1
while (ppp * (pages - 1) >= n_plots) pages <- pages - 1

# Configure layout matrix
c <- r <- trunc(sqrt(ppp))
if (c<1) r <- c <- 1
if (c*r < ppp) c <- c + 1
if (c*r < ppp) r <- r + 1

} else { ppp <- 1; oldpar <- par()}

all_ys <- lapply(seq_len(n_plots), function(x){
log( data.frame(y = data_train$y,
series = data_train$series,
time = data_train$time) %>%
dplyr::filter(series == levels(data_train$series)[x]) %>%
dplyr::pull(y) + 1)
} else {
data.frame(y = data_train$y,
series = data_train$series,
time = data_train$time) %>%
dplyr::filter(series == levels(data_train$series)[x]) %>%

for(i in 1:n_plots){
s_name <- levels(data_train$series)[i]

truth <- data.frame(y = data_train$y,
series = data_train$series,
time = data_train$time) %>%
dplyr::filter(series == s_name) %>%
dplyr::select(time, y) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::arrange(time) %>%

truth <- log(truth + 1)
ylab <- 'log(Y + 1)'
} else {
ylab <- 'Y'

plot(1, type = "n", bty = 'L',
xlab = 'Time',
ylab = ylab,
ylim = range(unlist(all_ys)),
xlim = c(0, length(c(truth))))
title(s_name, line = 0)

if(n_plots > 1){
for(x in 1:n_plots){
lines(all_ys[[x]], lwd = 1.85, col = 'grey85')

lines(x = 1:length(truth), y = truth, lwd = 3, col = "white")
lines(x = 1:length(truth), y = truth, lwd = 2.5, col = "#8F2727")
box(bty = 'L', lwd = 2)


} else {
s_name <- levels(data_train$series)[series]
truth <- data.frame(y = data_train$y,
series = data_train$series,
time = data_train$time) %>%
dplyr::filter(series == s_name) %>%
dplyr::select(time, y) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::arrange(time) %>%

layout(matrix(1:4, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
test <- data.frame(y = data_test$y,
series = data_test$series,
time = data_test$time) %>%
dplyr::filter(series == s_name) %>%
dplyr::select(time, y) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::arrange(time) %>%

plot(1, type = "n", bty = 'L',
xlab = 'Time',
ylab = 'Y',
ylim = range(c(truth, test)),
xlim = c(0, length(c(truth, test))))
title('Time series', line = 0)

lines(x = 1:length(truth), y = truth, lwd = 2, col = "#8F2727")
lines(x = (length(truth)+1):length(c(truth, test)), y = test, lwd = 2, col = "black")
abline(v = length(truth)+1, col = '#FFFFFF60', lwd = 2.85)
abline(v = length(truth)+1, col = 'black', lwd = 2.5, lty = 'dashed')
box(bty = 'L', lwd = 2)

n_bins <- max(c(length(hist(c(truth, test), plot = F)$breaks),

hist(c(truth, test), border = "#8F2727",
lwd = 2,
freq = FALSE,
breaks = n_bins,
col = "#C79999",
ylab = 'Density',
xlab = 'Count', main = '')
title('Histogram', line = 0)

acf(c(truth, test),
na.action = na.pass, bty = 'L',
lwd = 2.5, ci.col = 'black', col = "#8F2727",
main = '', ylab = 'Autocorrelation')
acf1 <- acf(c(truth, test), plot = F,
na.action = na.pass)
clim <- qnorm((1 + .95)/2)/sqrt(acf1$n.used)
abline(h = clim, col = '#FFFFFF', lwd = 2.85)
abline(h = clim, col = 'black', lwd = 2.5, lty = 'dashed')
abline(h = -clim, col = '#FFFFFF', lwd = 2.85)
abline(h = -clim, col = 'black', lwd = 2.5, lty = 'dashed')
box(bty = 'L', lwd = 2)
title('ACF', line = 0)

ecdf_plotdat = function(vals, x){
func <- ecdf(vals)

plot_x <- seq(min(c(truth, test), na.rm = T),
max(c(truth, test), na.rm = T))
plot(1, type = "n", bty = 'L',
xlab = 'Count',
ylab = 'Empirical CDF',
xlim = c(min(plot_x), max(plot_x)),
ylim = c(0, 1))
title('CDF', line = 0)
lines(x = plot_x,
y = ecdf_plotdat(c(truth, test),
col = "#8F2727",
lwd = 2.5)
box(bty = 'L', lwd = 2)

} else {
plot(1, type = "n", bty = 'L',
xlab = 'Time',
ylab = 'Observations',
ylim = range(c(truth)),
xlim = c(0, length(c(truth))))
title('Time series', line = 0)

lines(x = 1:length(truth), y = truth, lwd = 2, col = "#8F2727")
box(bty = 'L', lwd = 2)

n_bins <- max(c(length(hist(c(truth), plot = F)$breaks),

hist(c(truth), border = "#8F2727",
lwd = 2,
freq = FALSE,
breaks = n_bins,
col = "#C79999",
ylab = 'Density',
xlab = 'Count', main = '')
title('Histogram', line = 0)

na.action = na.pass, bty = 'L',
lwd = 2.5, ci.col = 'black', col = "#8F2727",
main = '', ylab = 'Autocorrelation')
acf1 <- acf(c(truth), plot = F,
na.action = na.pass)
clim <- qnorm((1 + .95)/2)/sqrt(acf1$n.used)
abline(h = clim, col = '#FFFFFF', lwd = 2.85)
abline(h = clim, col = 'black', lwd = 2.5, lty = 'dashed')
abline(h = -clim, col = '#FFFFFF', lwd = 2.85)
abline(h = -clim, col = 'black', lwd = 2.5, lty = 'dashed')
box(bty = 'L', lwd = 2)
title('ACF', line = 0)

ecdf_plotdat = function(vals, x){
func <- ecdf(vals)

plot_x <- seq(min(truth, na.rm = T),
max(truth, na.rm = T))
plot(1, type = "n", bty = 'L',
xlab = 'Count',
ylab = 'Empirical CDF',
xlim = c(min(plot_x), max(plot_x)),
ylim = c(0, 1))
title('CDF', line = 0)
lines(x = plot_x,
y = ecdf_plotdat(truth,
col = "#8F2727",
lwd = 2.5)
box(bty = 'L', lwd = 2)



dat <- sim_mvgam(T = 100, n_series = 4, n_lv = 2,
mu_obs = c(4, 6, 10, 14), trend_rel = 0.3,
Expand Down
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions R/add_base_dgam_lines.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,12 +33,16 @@ add_base_dgam_lines = function(use_lv, stan = FALSE){
transformed parameters {
// basis coefficients
row_vector[num_basis] b;
// GAM contribution to expectations (log scale)
vector[total_obs] eta;
// dynamic factor loading matrix
// trends and dynamic factor loading matrix
matrix[n, n_series] trend;
matrix[n_series, n_lv] lv_coefs;
// basis coefficients
row_vector[num_basis] b;
// constraints allow identifiability of loadings
for (i in 1:(n_lv - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):(n_lv)){
Expand All @@ -57,15 +61,12 @@ add_base_dgam_lines = function(use_lv, stan = FALSE){
// derived latent trends
matrix[n, n_series] trend;
for (i in 1:n){;
for (s in 1:n_series){
trend[i, s] = dot_product(lv_coefs[s,], LV[i,]);
// GAM contribution to expectations (log scale)
vector[total_obs] eta;
eta = to_vector(b * X);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,12 +99,12 @@ add_base_dgam_lines = function(use_lv, stan = FALSE){
generated quantities {
vector[n_sp] rho;
rho = log(lambda);
vector[n_lv] penalty;
matrix[n, n_series] ypred;
rho = log(lambda);
penalty = rep_vector(1.0, n_lv);
// posterior predictions
matrix[n, n_series] ypred;
for(i in 1:n){
for(s in 1:n_series){
ypred[i, s] = poisson_log_rng(eta[ytimes[i, s]] + trend[i, s]);
Expand All @@ -130,11 +131,12 @@ add_base_dgam_lines = function(use_lv, stan = FALSE){
transformed parameters {
// GAM contribution to expectations (log scale)
vector[total_obs] eta;
// basis coefficients
row_vector[num_basis] b;
// GAM contribution to expectations (log scale)
vector[total_obs] eta;
eta = to_vector(b * X);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,12 +169,12 @@ add_base_dgam_lines = function(use_lv, stan = FALSE){
generated quantities {
vector[n_sp] rho;
rho = log(lambda);
vector[n_series] tau;
matrix[n, n_series] ypred;
rho = log(lambda);
tau = sigma ^ -2;
// posterior predictions
matrix[n, n_series] ypred;
for(i in 1:n){
for(s in 1:n_series){
ypred[i, s] = poisson_log_rng(eta[ytimes[i, s]] + trend[i, s]);
Expand Down

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