- 单一职责原则:t01_single_responsibility
- 接口隔离原则:t02_interface_geli
- 依赖倒置原则:t03_dependence_reverse
- 里氏替换原则:t03_Lees_principle
- 开 闭 原则:t05_open_close
- 迪米特 原则:t06_demeter_principle
- 合成复用原则:t07_composite_reuse_principle
- MVC模式: t00_mvc
- 单例模式: t01_singleton
- 工厂模式: t02_factory
- 原型模式: t03_prototype
- 建造者模式:t04_builder
- 适配器模式:t05_adapter
- 桥接模式: t06_bridge
- 装饰者模式:t07_decorator
- 组合模式: t08_composite
- 外观模式: t09_facade
- 享元模式: t10_Flyweight
- 代理模式: t11_proxy
- 模板方法模式:t12_template
- 命令模式: t13_command
- 访问者模式: t14_visitor
- 迭代器模式: t15_iterator
- 观察者模式: t16_observe
Author: [email protected]
The following was discovered as part of building this project:
- The JVM level was changed from '1.8' to '17', review the JDK Version Range on the wiki for more details.
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Spring Web
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely: