Hidden Markov Models for Part of speech Tagging
An implementation of Part of Speech Tagging task for English using Hidden Markov Models.
Created by Ngo Quang Huy @ngoquanghuy99
Email: [email protected]
In this repo, i implemented Part-of-speech Tagging task using Hidden Markov Model and decoded by a dynamic programming algorithm named Viterbi. There are 2 tagged datasets collected from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Take a look at the Penn Treebank II tag set here.
- One dataset (WSJ-2_21.pos) will be used for training.
- The other (WSJ-24.pos) for testing.
- The vocabulary is formed of the training data.
- The vocabulary is augmented with a set of 'unknown word tokens' described in
To improve accuracy, words that are not in the vocabulary are further analyzed to extract available hints as to their appropriate tag. For example, the suffix 'ize' is a hint that the word is a verb, as in 'final-ize' or 'character-ize'. They will all replace unknown words in both training set, testing set and vocabulary.
accuracy: 95.31%
- python>=3.6
- numpy>=1.18.2
- nltk>=3.4.5
$ python main.py
$ python test.py --sent "My heart is always breaking for the ghosts that haunt this room."
$ [('My', 'PRP$'), ('heart', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('always', 'RB'), ('breaking', 'VBG'),
('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ghosts', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('haunt', 'VBP'),
('this', 'DT'), ('room', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]