Nextcloud 27.1.3 is included
What's Changed
🏕 New features and other improvements
- do not catch error during pullcontainer so that it throws and logs if it cannot get the image by @szaimen in #3583
- postgresql - close idling sessions automatically and increase to 100 default by @szaimen in #3584
- change priority of app-settings-section to 0 by @szaimen in #3608
- also enable integration apps after installing them by @szaimen in #3641
- fix reference to column in wikipedia timezone list by @Habbie in #3594
- allow to back up empty additional volumes by @szaimen in #3642
- add AIO_DATABASE_HOST by @szaimen in #3611
- Nextcloud-DLNA community container by @thanek in #3614
- fix some values by @szaimen in #3666
- helm - fix: request shared RWX nextcloud volume by @st3iny in #3692
- disable limiting the listen.allowed clients again by @szaimen in #3693
- helm - change defaults of NEXTCLOUD*STORAGE_SIZE by @szaimen in #3694
🐞 Fixed bugs
- local-ai - fix path to generated images by @szaimen in #3639
- pi-hole does not like init by @szaimen in #3685
- fix dig inside kubernetes by @szaimen in #3689
- do not start container if it is started already by @szaimen in #3682
👒 Updated dependencies
- Bump collabora/code from to in /Containers/collabora by @dependabot in #3591
- PHP dependency updates by @github-actions in #3609
- Imaginary update by @github-actions in #3612
- Bump clamav/clamav from 1.2.0-9 to 1.2.1-11 in /Containers/clamav by @dependabot in #3617
- talk update by @github-actions in #3618
- Nextcloud dependency update by @github-actions in #3619
- talk update by @github-actions in #3643
- Helm Chart updates by @github-actions in #3644
- Bump strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling from 1.1.3 to 1.2.0 in /Containers/talk by @dependabot in #3645
- Bump nats from 2.10.3-scratch to 2.10.4-scratch in /Containers/talk by @dependabot in #3646
- Bump docker from 24.0.6-cli to 24.0.7-cli in /Containers/mastercontainer by @dependabot in #3647
- Bump php from 8.2.11-fpm-alpine3.18 to 8.2.12-fpm-alpine3.18 in /Containers/mastercontainer by @dependabot in #3648
- Bump collabora/code from to in /Containers/collabora by @dependabot in #3649
- Bump clamav/clamav from 1.2.1-11 to 1.2.1-12 in /Containers/clamav by @dependabot in #3650
- Bump php from 8.1.24-fpm-alpine3.18 to 8.1.25-fpm-alpine3.18 in /Containers/nextcloud by @dependabot in #3651
- Bump helm/chart-testing-action from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 by @dependabot in #3653
- Bump helm/chart-testing-action from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 by @dependabot in #3657
- PHP dependency updates by @github-actions in #3663
- Bump helm/chart-testing-action from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 by @dependabot in #3669
- Bump elasticsearch from 8.10.2 to 8.10.4 in /Containers/fulltextsearch by @dependabot in #3668
- create helm-dev release by @szaimen in #3690
- Bump clamav/clamav from 1.2.1-12 to 1.2.1-14 in /Containers/clamav by @dependabot in #3687
- Bump redis from 7.2.2-alpine to 7.2.3-alpine in /Containers/redis by @dependabot in #3688
📄 Improved documentation
- Update migration.md with info about synchronization by @ShapeShifter499 in #3610
- Update reverse-proxy.md typo by @Aytsuqi in #3656
- rewording reverse-proxy.md by @Aytsuqi in #3659
- community containers - add docs how to remove containers by @szaimen in #3686
New Contributors
- @Habbie made their first contribution in #3594
- @ShapeShifter499 made their first contribution in #3610
- @thanek made their first contribution in #3614
- @Aytsuqi made their first contribution in #3656
Full Changelog: v7.5.1...v7.6.2