HTML5 + CLJS Pac-Man
- Leiningen 2
- [lein-cljsbuild "0.3.0"]
- [ring-mock "0.1.3"]
Once you have the right prerequisites, run lein deps
To compile, fire up cljsbuild
lein cljsbuild once
or if you want to build continuously
lein cljsbuild auto
To start a Clojure web server for the application, run
lein ring server <desired port>
or point a server at the directory
Understanding pacman ghost behavior
- Use requestAnimationFrame
- Add sound
- Fix catastrophic tunnel bug
- Make ghost strategy random and more efficient
- Fix minor movement and drawing problems
- Make game work in advanced mode
- Remove browser repl code for production
- Move readonly code to a map that is not recopied
- Use defrecord for some data