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Release process

Adam Harvey edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 1 revision


  • The version being released is X.Y.Z.
  • The remote for this repository is origin.


  1. Ensure the is up to date.
  2. Clone or pull the latest master somewhere you can run PHP code.
  3. Install the testing dependencies: composer install
  4. Run the coding standard check and unit tests: composer check
  5. Run the integration tests: composer integration
  6. Tag the release: git tag X.Y.Z
  7. Test pushing the tag (ensuring that only the tag of interest is being added): git push --dry-run origin X.Y.Z
  8. Actually push the tag: git push origin X.Y.Z
  9. Check that the Packagist entry shows the new version.
  10. Enjoy a refreshing beverage.
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