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Releases: neuralpain/oneclickwinrar

v0.10.0, Update 710

18 Feb 15:01
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What's new?

  • Update default WinRAR version to 7.10.


A release of WinRAR 7.10 for 32-bit Windows operating systems does not seem to be available just yet.


If you came from the main page and you're looking for the full package, this is it: v0.10.0.710 ZIP package.
You can look below for the same link.


Download one of the the incl.WinRAR-x64 package if you're unable to download through the script.
A package for Chinese users has been bundled here.

Show your love and give oneclickwinrar a star! 🌟
The night sky is big enough for both of us ❤️
Have fun! 🚀 // 'cause why not?

v0.9.0, Update 701

05 Feb 08:36
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What's new?

  • Added special support for oneclickrar to uninstall/un-license WinRAR and skip licensing and/or installation.


If you came from the main page and you're looking for the full package, this is it: v0.9.0.701 ZIP package.
You can look below for the same link.


Download one of the the incl.WinRAR-x32/x64 packages if you're impatient about download times.

Show your love and give oneclickwinrar a star! 🌟
The night sky is big enough for both of us ❤️


  • New: Enable extra functionality through substitution of the i in click with a specific number code, e.g., onecl0ckrar.cmd, one-cl3ck-rar.cmd.
  • oneclickrar will now assume 64-bit if the architecture is omitted when downloading a specific version of WinRAR.
  • Add functionality for oneclickrar to license WinRAR without running an installation of the software.
  • Add functionality for oneclickrar to run the installation of WinRAR without licensing it afterwards.
  • Add support to uninstall WinRAR.
  • Minor code improvements.
Have fun! 🚀 // 'cause why not?

[Notice] WinRAR 7.10 Public Beta 3

03 Feb 12:24
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WinRAR 7.10 Public Beta 3

RARLAB® has released the 3rd public beta of the latest English WinRAR 7.10 for testing on 64-bit systems! Use one of the configurations below to install and test it out or download preconfigured files from the list below. 🚀


v0.8.0, Update 701

21 Dec 04:51
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What's new?

  • Support for older 32-bit versions of WinRAR is now available
  • New download-only feature that allows you to save installers that were downloaded


If you came from the main page and you're looking for the full package, this is it: v0.8.0.701 ZIP package.
You can look below for the same link.


Download the incl.WinRAR-x32/x64 if you're impatient about download times.

Show your love and give oneclickwinrar a star! 🌟
The night sky is big enough for both of us ❤️


  • Add support for older 32-bit WinRAR installers
  • Add new download-only feature which allows for saving of installers downloaded by the script
  • Minor bug fixes and code improvements
Have fun! 🚀 // 'cause why not?

v0.7.0, Update 701

12 Aug 23:26
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What's new?

  • 99.9% of bugs have been eradicated;
  • a few features such as buttons and links, have been added to the toast notifications;
  • and a few other improvements in logic and error handling.


If you came from the main page and you're looking for the full package, this is it: v0.7.0.701 ZIP package. You can look below for the same link.


Download the incl.WinRAR-x32/x64 if you're impatient about download times.

Show your love and give oneclickwinrar a star! 🌟
The night sky is big enough for both of us ❤️


  • Fix WinRAR version display error
  • Improved script name parsing logic
  • Fix annoying bug with variable scope in licenserar.cmd
  • Improve error handling when downloading files that are not available on the server
  • Improve toast notifications
  • Other code improvements
Have fun! 🚀 // 'cause why not?

v0.6.1, Update 701

06 Aug 04:39
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What's new? It works.

Well, ocwr-5 was a bad update, so I fixed it all and added more stuff 🏌️

  • Customized licensing! Put whatever you want; personalize to your heart's content, but don't be naughty ;)
  • Specifically download and install any version of WinRAR (well that's for 64-bit installers 390 upwards; 32-bit installers have had a different naming scheme up until version 611, so I'll have to figure that part out another time.....or not)
  • Faster download times (for people with fast internet) ← That's a joke.
  • Existing licenses are now protected (but you can choose to overwrite them with a simple switch)
  • You can un-license WinRAR now.....if you want
  • So much fun!

Yes, I re-listed some previous additions because I invalidated the ocwr-5 update and ocwr-3 and below were kinda meh. You can probably call this the "official" oneclickwinrar release. There will be subsequent updates; it's not the final release.

Show your love and give oneclickwinrar a star! 🌟
The night sky is big enough for both of us ❤️


  • Fix very minor bug in licenserar.cmd affecting overwriting licenses
  • Fix toast message in oneclickrar.cmd

See v0.6.0.701 for the other important changes

Have fun! 🚀 // 'cause why not?

v0.6.0, Update 701

04 Aug 11:31
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What's new?

See v0.6.1.701


  • Fix downloading issue. "x86" was mistakenly used for downloading 32-bit
    versions of WinRAR. This has been fixed.
  • Add support for downloading without including a version number
  • Fixed function name error in installrar.cmd
  • Provide installrar.cmd with admin by default
  • Improve error handling for oneclickrar.cmd
  • Add protection against overwriting existing licenses
  • Add option to overwrite existing licenses
  • Add unlicenserar.cmd to remove WinRAR licenses for whatever reason
  • Minor bug fixes

No, the semantic versioning was not changed for this update.

Have fun! 🚀 // 'cause why not?

v0.5.0, Update 701

01 Aug 12:25
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This update is broken. Skip this update or use at your own risk.

What's new?

Users can now customize the script to download and install specific versions of WinRAR and install custom licenses through editing the file script file name.

Changed semantic versioning (again)

The last part of the version number is now based on the current version of WinRAR instead of the date that the recent version of WinRAR was released. It makes more sense if there's ever an unlikely chance that two versions of WinRAR are released within the same month. This also makes better sense for version control.

0.x.x - oneclickwinrar version
[version].xxx - WinRAR version

v0.4.0, Update 2407

16 Jul 18:38
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What's new?

  • Update WinRAR download version to 7.01
  • Add support for non-english installers

New semantic versioning

As of now, oneclickwinrar will be receiving regular updates in relation to the WinRAR releases. Whenever a new version of WinRAR is released, oneclickwinrar will be updated to download the latest release of WInRAR. This is because there's no way to immediately download the latest version of WinRAR; for example, GitHub has a /latest key in their URLs to allow users to jump to the latest version of a software release, but the WinRAR website does not support anything like this.

The new semantic versioning is as follows below:

  • 0.x.x - development version number
  • [version].xxxx - indicates the date (year & month) of when oneclickwinrar was updated in accordance with the new release of WinRAR


06 Feb 15:48
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oneclickrar.cmd - download, install and license WinRAR (Recommended)
installrar.cmd - download and install WinRAR
licenserar.cmd - license WinRAR if installed

  • can only download WinRAR v6.23 in 64-bit (because that was the latest version available when it the script was created), but
  • will install and license ANY VERSION available in the current directory
  • all operations are done at C:\Program Files\WinRAR for 64-bit operating systems unless a 32-bit WinRAR installer is provided