- Provides vertex and edge level granuality.
- Useful especially when analytics done on master data and restricted to departments.
- Can expose same nodes and few edges to everyone but restrict few edges between same set of nodes.
- Set visibility and everything created after it is done for that visibility.
- Once data is set committed we can change visibility.
- Once stored only users with with rights will have access to vertex and edges.
Configuration conf = new BaseConfiguration();
// Using AccumuloStoreManager as backend storage
// Accumulo instance name
// Accumulo credentials
SecureTitanGraph graph = SecureTitanFactory.open(conf);
// Everything from now will be stored with "manager"
Vertex juno = graph.addVertex(null);
juno.setProperty("name", "juno");
Vertex jupiter = graph.addVertex(null);
jupiter.setProperty("name", "jupiter");
Edge married = graph.addEdge(null, juno, jupiter, "married");
// All data has been committed and visibility can be changed.
// Add new data
- Discuss with titan-community various design decisions such as having visbility in transactions vs having visibility at vertex level.
- Handle visibility at cache level too. Currently visibility is involved only when local cache is committed.