Example computational workflows to classify tree/non-tree pixels in Zurich using DetecTree.
The materials of this repository make use of a set of external libraries, which are listed in the environment.yml file. The easiest way to install such dependencies is by means of a conda environment:
- Clone the repository and change directory to the repository's root:
git clone https://github.com/martibosch/detectree-example
cd detectree-example
- Create the environment (this requires conda) and activate it:
conda env create -f environment.yml
# the above command creates a conda environment named `detectree`
conda activate detectree
- Register the IPython kernel of the
python -m ipykernel install --user --name detectree --display-name "Python (detectree)"
You might now run a jupyter server (e.g., running the command jupyter notebook
) and execute the notebooks of this repository.
See the list of notebooks below (the notebooks are stored in the notebooks
Example use case:
- Aussersihl canopy: application of DetecTree to compute a tree canopy map for the Aussersihl district in Zurich.
Overview of the train/test split methods:
- Baseline: train/test split of image tiles based on uniform sampling.
- Cluster-I: train/test split of image tiles based on k-means clustering of image descriptors to enhance the variety of scenes represented in the training tiles.
- Cluster-II: train/test split of image tiles based on a two-level k-means clustering, using a separate classifier for each first-level cluster of tiles. The second-level clustering enhances the variety of scenes represented in the training tiles of each separate classifier.
- Background: overview of the methods used to detect tree/non-tree pixels, based on Yang et al. [1]
Some of the tasks of DetecTree's computational flow (e.g., computing image descriptors, training the classifiers...) can be computationally expensive. While Jupyter notebooks are a great medium to overview DetecTree's features, they are less convenient when it comes to managing complex computational workflows. In view of such shortcoming, this repository also includes a Makefile implementation of the computational workflow, which ensures the correct execution of the workflow and caches expensive intermediate results so that the workflow can be efficiently resumed at any point.
- With the support of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- The aerial imagery and LIDAR datasets used in this repository are provided by the Office for spatial development (Amt für Raumentwicklung) of the canton of Zurich.
- Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience
- Yang, L., Wu, X., Praun, E., & Ma, X. (2009). Tree detection from aerial imagery. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (pp. 131-137). ACM.