WOFEA V10 Wifi is a chinese low cost alarm system based on ESP8266. Objective of this project is to create a custom and open source firmware based on esphome and Home Assistant !
- WOFEA V10 Base:
- ESP8266 4M
- 433Mhz RF transmiter & receiver
- 2 status Leds
- Audio ouput & HP
- Internal Siren 5V output
- Battery pin
- PIR & contact sensor :
- 433Mhz transmiter with unique code
- Detection = send 10 frame of 24bits
- PIR pulse lenght : 385 us
- Contact sensor pulse lenght : 433 us
- External siren :
- 433Mhz receiver only
- 3 codes : arm, disarm, siren
- Remote control :
- 433Mhz transmiter
- 4 codes : arm, disarm, siren, ?
- pulse lenght : 325 us
- GPIO5 : RF receiver
- GPIO4 : RF transmiter
- GPIO0 : Status led 2 (RED)
- GPIO2 & GPIO15 : Status led 1 (RED/BLUE)
- GPIO3 : Siren ouput
- GPIO16 : Reset button
- GPIO14, GPIO12, GPIO13 : Audio output (probably I2S protocol or pwm audio)
Wofea board :
- Solder serial connector (see picture)
- Connect GND on IO0 (boot loader mode)
- Turn device on (with usb power)
- Run :
esptool read_flash 0x00000 0x400000 firmware.bin
- Dont use crappy usb to serial like Prolific PL2303HX
- Solder serial connector (see picture)
- Connect GND on IO0 (boot loader mode)
- Turn device on (with usb power)
- Run :
esphome alarm.yaml run
- Add to Home assitant
- Enjoy
- Status leds
- Reset button
- Siren ouput
- RF receiver
- RF transmiter
- Chip is CMT2110A (HopeRf or cmostek)
- Support alarm automation
- SMS Alert
- RF jamming detection
- Support audio output
- Pin charge is ~4.66v
- Find compatible battery : TODO
- Download Debian image : https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-lite/
- Write on SD card
- Default password is root / 1234
# Configure Wifi
# Install missing packets
apt-get install jq avahi-daemon dbus apparmor-utils
# Install Docker-CE
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
# Install Hass.io (H3 is equivalent to RPI2)
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-build/master/install/hassio_install | bash -s -- -m raspberrypi2
# Protect sd card
vi /etc/fstab
# add : commit=5,data=journal
# Open url : http://orangepilite:8123