- Create Coffeshop
- Create Session
- Create User
- Register User
- Login User
- Logout User
- Get Coffeshop
- Get Coffeshop by ID
- Update Coffeshop
- Delete Coffeshop
- Move List Coffeshop into Public
- Add Tests for all endpoints
- Add prefix for public, private routes and prefix for version
- Add input validation for all request payloads using Zod or similar
- Implement proper error handling middleware
- Add rate limiting for API endpoints
- Implement request logging and monitoring
- Add API documentation using OpenAPI/Swagger
- Implement refresh token mechanism
- Add pagination for list endpoints
- Implement proper CORS configuration
- Add health check endpoint
- Implement caching mechanism
- Add database migrations and seeding scripts
- Implement proper TypeScript types for all responses
- Add environment variables validation
- Add Docker deployment documentation
- Setup Docker Compose for development environment
- Configure CI/CD pipeline for Docker builds
- Add health check endpoint for Docker container
- Setup proper Docker volumes for database persistence
Our application is structured using a layered architecture, which organizes the codebase into distinct layers, each with specific responsibilities. This approach enhances maintainability, scalability, and clarity.
Infrastructure Layer:
- Manages technical details and frameworks.
- Includes database configurations and ORM tools like Prisma.
- Example: Database models and Prisma setup.
Applications Layer:
- Contains business logic and core functionalities.
- Processes data and applies business rules.
- Example: User registration and login services.
Presentation Layer:
- Handles user interface and interactions.
- Manages HTTP routes and API endpoints.
- Example: Routes and controllers for handling requests.