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DirfileDB is a file system based data store. Currently built as a NoSQL style JSON store, it defines a new database as a directory, collections as a sub-directory and documents as files. It can be used as a quick local testing database, or in low user/throughput applications. Originally built for local first/offline capable single user applications.

It aims to maintain zero dependencies (outside of devDependencies), using only NodeJs functionality.

It is very much still in early development and subject to large breaking changes.

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd dirfile-db
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install


Using your first DirfileDB

import DirfileDB from "dirfile-db"

const newDB = DirfileDB({rootDir: myNewDB})

await newDB.init() //directory structure is not created until init is run

After a DirfileDB has been setup with init() you can create new collections and add new documents.

Creating a new Collection

await newDB.newCollection("firstCollection")

Creating a new Document

await newDB.create("firstCollection", { key: "value" })

DirfileDB has a universal expectation of an _id key value pair, and if a new document is provided without one it will create append and id to the document.

Find a Document

find() is a "find first instance" function meaning, given the provided query returns the first instance of a document that matches the query

newDB.find("firstCollection", { key: "value" })

to find by id simply pass the id as the query

newDB.find("firstCollection", { _id: "someId" })

Find multiple Documents

findAll() will return all documents that match a query.

Same as find,

newDB.findAll("firstCollection", { key: "value" })

A full set of documentation will be published as the project stabilizes from early development

Building the Project

Currently esbuild is used to bundle a cjs and esm version.

To build the project, run:

npm run build

Running Tests

Currently testing is done using jest, feelings toward this are unstable and may change.

To run tests, run:

npm test

Additional Scripts

//Compiles typescript types
"build:types": "tsc --project configs/tsconfig.types.json",

//Runs the esbuild script to bundle the module
"esbuild": "node ./scripts/build.js",

// Runs eslint, config found under ./configs
"lint": "eslint src/**/*.ts --config configs/.eslintrc.json --format stylish",

//Attempts to fix any fixable linting warnings/errors
"lint:fix": "eslint src/**/*.ts --format stylish --fix",

//Helper script that cleans up build directory and default DBs that are made during development
"clean": "npm-run-all clean:dist clean:dbs",

//Removes the build directory
"clean:dist": "rimraf dist",

//Removes commonly made DBs during development
"clean:dbs": "rimraf defaultDB testDB",

//Full package reinstallation
"reinstall": "rimraf node_modules && npm install",

//Cleans and Reinstalls for a full development reset
"reset": "npm-run-all clean reinstall"


Current configuration is limited to naming the directory of your database.

const config = {
    rootDir: "CustomDB"

const newDB = DirfileDB(config)

If no rootDir is provided your database will default to "defaultDB"


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:

Fork the repository.
Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature).
Make your changes.
Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature).
Open a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


A directory/file based data storage project







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