A Javascript object that works with XML and JSON objects for transitioning between images.
And object that accepts an XML like the following, or a JSON equivalent:
'timer' :: number of seconds between each image transition
'fadeTime' :: number of seconds during each image transition
'order' :: how you want your images displayed. choose either 'sequential' or 'random'
'looping' :: if the slide show is in sequential mode, this stops the show at the last image (use 'yes' for looping, 'no' for not)
'xpos' :: _x offset position of all loaded clips (0 is default)
'ypos' :: _y offset position of all loaded clips (0 is default)
<gallery timer="5" fadetime="3" order="sequential" looping="yes" xpos="0" ypos="0">
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image1.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image2.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image3.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image4.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image5.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image6.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image7.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image8.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image9.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image10.jpg" />
<image path="images/images_slideshow/image11.jpg" />
This object was developed to replace the Flash banner that existed at www.ThreeRiversHorseTraining.com.