I am a PhD student supverised by Olga Saukh at Embedded Learning and Sensing Systems (ELSS) Group , Institute for Technical Informatics, TU Graz, Austria. My research interests include on-device machine learing, embedded machine learning, deep learning, computer vision and Internet-of-things.
[ Jan. 2025] 🚀 Our paper Forget the Data and Fine-Tuning! Just Fold the Network to Compress was accepted at ICLR'25
[Aug. 2024] I gave an oral peresntation about Subspace-Configurable Networks at CoLLAs'24 in Pisa, Italy🇮🇹. See pictures here📷
[June. 2024] I will attend DENISE Summer School.
[ May. 2024] I will present Subspace-Configurable Networks at the PML4LRS workshop at ICLR'24.
[ Apr. 2024] Our paper presenting Subspace-Configurable Networks was accepted at CoLLAs'24
[ Feb. 2024] I present my research in GraML.
[ Nov. 2022] I start my PhD at TU Graz, Austria.
[ June. 2021] My master's thesis has been approved by Uppsala University.
[ Jan. 2021] I start my Master's thesis at Ericsson.
[ June. 2020] SemiFlow: A deep learning framework with auto differentiation and auto shape inference 1.0 is released.