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Releases: namib-project/dcaf-rs

Version 0.4.0

27 Mar 13:38
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This release mainly adds support for multiple token recipients, deals with the newly released RFCs,
and fixes no_std support.
Note that the cipher interfaces have been refactored in a major way.


  • The CoapOscore profile has been added as an AceProfile.
  • Support for multiple token recipients has been added. Specifically, the following new methods have been added:
    • encrypt_access_token_multiple / decrypt_access_token_multiple: Creates a new access token encoded as a
      CoseEncrypt rather than a CoseEncrypt0. The user passes in a vector of keys on encryption, these will then be
      used as Key Encryption Keys. The Content Encryption Key is generated by the MultipleEncryptCipher required by
      the function. On decryption, the correct recipient structure will be identified by the key ID of the passed-in key.
    • sign_access_token_multiple / decrypt_access_token_multiple: Creates a new access token encoded as a CoseSign
      rather than a CoseSign1. The user passes in a vector of keys when signing, and a recipient will be created
      for each key. When verifying, the correct recipient structure will be identified by the key ID of the passed-in key.


  • The ciphers' API has been majorly changed. As a result, the API for the token functions has changed as well.
    Users no longer need to pass in an instance of the cipher, they only need to specify the type parameter, as the
    cipher's methods no longer need self as a parameter. Additionally, users now need to pass in the key for the
    corresponding operation, specified as a CoseKey. For more information, read the
    documentation of CoseEncryptCipher, CoseSignCipher, or CoseMacCipher, as well as of the token functions.
  • The documentation has been updated to refer to the recently released RFCs instead of the now outdated internet drafts.


  • The crate now properly compiles in no_std environments, and no tests are failing. This fixes #2.
    (Contributed by @JKRhb in #3.)

Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0

Version 0.3.1

11 Aug 14:52
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This release adds a derived Deserialize trait on AifRestMethod.


  • The trait Deserialize is now implemented (as a derived trait)
    on AifRestMethod.


  • Dependencies have been updated to their most recent version.

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1

Version 0.3.0

14 Jun 20:04
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This release mainly replaces AifRestMethodSet (using bitflags) with AifRestMethod (using enumflags2).


  • The AifRestMethodSet (a set of REST methods) previously using the bitflags crate now uses the BitFlags type introduced by the enumflags2 crate. AifRestMethod, a new enum whose variants can be used as parts of an AifRestMethodSet has been added too.
    The reason for this is that this makes it possible to declare single REST methods in a type-safe manner.
    • Note that any existing usages of AifRestMethodSet now need to be replaced with the new corresponding API calls.
    • Variant names are now using PascalCase instead of UPPER_CASE.
    • Use the type AifRestMethod for a single REST method and AifRestMethodSet for a set of REST methods.
  • The derive_builder dependency has been updated to 0.11.2.


  • Some incomplete documentation regarding scopes has been updated.

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0

Version 0.2.0

05 Apr 22:29
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This release focuses on introducing AIF and libdcaf-support.


  • Support for scopes using the Authorization Information Format (AIF) for ACE.
    For this purpose, the following types have been added:
    • AifEncodedScope, representing an AIF-encoded scope (surprise)
    • AifEncodedScopeElement, a single element in an AIF-encoded scope
    • AifRestMethodSet, encoding a set of REST methods
  • Support for scopes used by the libdcaf implementation (a variant of AIF-encoded scopes).


  • Binary-encoded scopes are now properly serialized.
  • Some incorrect documentation regarding scopes has been corrected.

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0

Version 0.1.0

05 Apr 22:27
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As this is the first release, lots of basic functionality has been setup.
For more extensive documentation, consult the crate-level documentation.


  • CBOR de-/serializable model of the ACE-OAuth framework has been added:
    • Binary- and text-encoded scopes
    • Access token requests and responses
    • Authorization server request creation hints
    • Error responses
    • Various smaller types (AceProfile, GrantType, ProofOfPossessionKey, TokenType...)
    • Use serialize_into or deserialize_from to serialize and deserialize these types.
  • Methods to create and work with access tokens:
    • encrypt_access_token
    • decrypt_access_token
    • sign_access_token
    • verify_access_token
    • get_token_headers (to extract headers from an opaque token)
  • Related: Various COSE Cipher traits intended for users to implement, used in the above methods for cryptographic operations:
    • CoseCipherCommon (to set headers specific to the cipher)
    • CoseEncrypt0Cipher
    • CoseVerify1Cipher
    • CoseMac0Cipher
  • Constants describing CBOR abbreviations of various ACE-OAuth fields
  • no_std support

Full changelog: