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nakst authored Dec 28, 2024
1 parent f03e7b9 commit db083ac
Showing 1 changed file with 250 additions and 29 deletions.
279 changes: 250 additions & 29 deletions experimental/luigi3.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -495,7 +495,10 @@ typedef struct UIWindow {
XImage *image;
XIC xic;
unsigned ctrlCode, shiftCode, altCode;
Window dragSource;
Window dragSource, dragDestination;
int dragDestinationVersion;
bool inDrag, dragDestinationCanDrop;
char *uriList;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1026,7 +1029,8 @@ struct {
Visual *visual;
XIM xim;
Atom windowClosedID, primaryID, uriListID, plainTextID;
Atom dndEnterID, dndPositionID, dndStatusID, dndActionCopyID, dndDropID, dndSelectionID, dndFinishedID, dndAwareID;
Atom dndEnterID, dndLeaveID, dndTypeListID, dndPositionID, dndStatusID,
dndActionCopyID, dndDropID, dndSelectionID, dndFinishedID, dndAwareID;
Atom clipboardID, xSelectionDataID, textID, targetID, incrID;
Cursor cursors[UI_CURSOR_COUNT];
char *pasteText;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4159,11 +4163,12 @@ int _UIImageDisplayMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *

do {
while (j) {
*destination = *source;
} while (--j);
} else if (element->flags & UI_IMAGE_DISPLAY_HQ_ZOOM_IN) {
float zr = 1.0f / display->zoom;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5704,6 +5709,7 @@ int _UIWindowMessage(UIElement *element, UIMessage message, int di, void *dp) {
XDestroyWindow(ui.display, ((UIWindow *) element)->window);

return _UIWindowMessageCommon(element, message, di, dp);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5881,6 +5887,8 @@ void UIInitialise() {
ui.windowClosedID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 0);
ui.primaryID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "PRIMARY", 0);
ui.dndEnterID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndEnter", 0);
ui.dndLeaveID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndLeave", 0);
ui.dndTypeListID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndTypeList", 0);
ui.dndPositionID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndPosition", 0);
ui.dndStatusID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndStatus", 0);
ui.dndActionCopyID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "XdndActionCopy", 0);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6061,7 +6069,96 @@ bool _UIProcessEvent(XEvent *event) {
if (!window) return false;
window->cursorX = event->xmotion.x;
window->cursorY = event->xmotion.y;
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);

if (window->inDrag) {
// Find a window under the cursor with XdndAware.
Window dragDestination = DefaultRootWindow(ui.display);
while (true) {
if (!dragDestination) { break; }

int32_t propertyCount;
Atom *properties = XListProperties(ui.display, dragDestination, &propertyCount);
bool aware = false;

for (int32_t i = 0; i < propertyCount && !aware; i++) {
if (properties[i] == ui.dndAwareID) {
aware = true;

if (aware) { break; }

int32_t unused5, unused6, unused0, unused1;
uint32_t unused2;
Window unused3;
XQueryPointer(ui.display, dragDestination, &unused3, &dragDestination,
&unused0, &unused1, &unused5, &unused6, &unused2);

// Get its XDND version.
int dragDestinationVersion = -1;
if (dragDestination == window->dragDestination) {
dragDestinationVersion = window->dragDestinationVersion;
} else if (dragDestination != None) {
window->dragDestinationCanDrop = false; // Window changed.

Atom atom;
int32_t format;
unsigned long itemCount, bytesRemaining;
uint8_t *data;

if (Success == XGetWindowProperty(ui.display, dragDestination,
ui.dndAwareID, 0, 2, False, AnyPropertyType,
&atom, &format, &itemCount, &bytesRemaining, &data)
&& data && format == 32 && itemCount == 1) {
dragDestinationVersion = data[0];
// printf("dragDestinationVersion = %d\n", dragDestinationVersion);


// Send XdndLeave to the old window.
if (dragDestination != window->dragDestination && window->dragDestinationVersion != -1) {
XClientMessageEvent m = { .type = ClientMessage, .display = ui.display,
.window = window->dragDestination, .message_type = ui.dndLeaveID, .format = 32,
.data = { .l = { window->window } }};
XSendEvent(ui.display, m.window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *) &m);
// printf("leave old window\n");

// Send XdndEnter to the new window.
if (dragDestination != window->dragDestination && dragDestinationVersion != -1) {
uint32_t l1 = (dragDestinationVersion < 4 ? dragDestinationVersion : 4) << 24;
XClientMessageEvent m = { .type = ClientMessage, .display = ui.display,
.window = dragDestination, .message_type = ui.dndEnterID, .format = 32,
.data = { .l = { window->window, l1, ui.uriListID, None, None } }};
XSendEvent(ui.display, m.window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *) &m);
// printf("enter new window %x\n", l1);

// Send XdndPosition to the window.
if (dragDestinationVersion != -1) {
int32_t x, y, unused0, unused1;
uint32_t unused2;
Window unused3, unused4;
XQueryPointer(ui.display, DefaultRootWindow(ui.display), &unused3, &unused4,
&unused0, &unused1, &x, &y, &unused2);
XClientMessageEvent m = { .type = ClientMessage, .display = ui.display,
.window = dragDestination, .message_type = ui.dndPositionID, .format = 32,
.data = { .l = { window->window, 0, (x << 16) | y, CurrentTime, ui.dndActionCopyID } }};
XSendEvent(ui.display, m.window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *) &m);

window->dragDestination = dragDestination;
window->dragDestinationVersion = dragDestinationVersion;
} else {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, UI_MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0);
} else if (event->type == LeaveNotify) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xcrossing.window);
if (!window) return false;
Expand All @@ -6078,6 +6175,28 @@ bool _UIProcessEvent(XEvent *event) {
window->cursorX = event->xbutton.x;
window->cursorY = event->xbutton.y;

if (window->inDrag && event->type == ButtonRelease) {
// Send XdndLeave or XdndDrop.
if (window->dragDestinationVersion != -1) {
XClientMessageEvent m = { .type = ClientMessage, .display = ui.display,
.window = window->dragDestination, .format = 32,
.data = { .l = { window->window } }};

if (window->dragDestinationCanDrop) {
m.message_type = ui.dndDropID;[2] = CurrentTime;
} else {
m.message_type = ui.dndLeaveID;

XSendEvent(ui.display, m.window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *) &m);
// printf("dropped\n");

window->inDrag = false;

if (event->xbutton.button >= 1 && event->xbutton.button <= 3) {
_UIWindowInputEvent(window, (UIMessage) ((event->type == ButtonPress ? UI_MSG_LEFT_DOWN : UI_MSG_LEFT_UP)
+ event->xbutton.button * 2 - 2), 0, 0);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6214,6 +6333,19 @@ bool _UIProcessEvent(XEvent *event) {
XSendEvent(ui.display, m.window, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent *) &m);
} else if (event->type == ClientMessage && event->xclient.message_type == ui.dndStatusID) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xclient.window);
if (!window) return false;

if (window->inDrag && window->dragDestinationVersion != -1
&& window->dragDestination == (Window) event->[0]) {
window->dragDestinationCanDrop = event->[1] & 1;
// printf("window->dragDestinationCanDrop = %d\n", window->dragDestinationCanDrop);
} else if (event->type == ClientMessage && event->xclient.message_type == ui.dndFinishedID) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xclient.window);
if (!window) return false;
// printf("dnd finished %x\n", (int) event->[1]);
} else if (event->type == SelectionNotify) {
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xselection.requestor);
if (!window) return false;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6287,42 +6419,60 @@ bool _UIProcessEvent(XEvent *event) {
window->dragSource = 0; // Drag complete.
} else if (event->type == SelectionRequest) {
// printf("SelectionRequest\n");
UIWindow *window = _UIFindWindow(event->xclient.window);
if (!window) return false;

if ((XGetSelectionOwner(ui.display, ui.clipboardID) == window->window)
&& (event->xselectionrequest.selection == ui.clipboardID)) {
XSelectionRequestEvent requestEvent = event->xselectionrequest;
if (XGetSelectionOwner(ui.display, event->xselectionrequest.selection) != window->window) return false;
XSelectionRequestEvent requestEvent = event->xselectionrequest;
int changePropertyResult = 0;

if (event->xselectionrequest.selection == ui.dndSelectionID) {
if( == ui.uriListID) {
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display,
requestEvent.requestor,,, 8, PropModeReplace,
(const unsigned char *) window->uriList, strlen(window->uriList));
} else if ( == ui.targetID) {
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display,
XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &ui.uriListID, 1);
} else if (event->xselectionrequest.selection == ui.clipboardID) {
Atom utf8ID = XInternAtom(ui.display, "UTF8_STRING", 1);
if (utf8ID == None) utf8ID = XA_STRING;

Atom type =;
type = (type == ui.textID) ? XA_STRING : type;
int changePropertyResult = 0;

if( == XA_STRING || == ui.textID || == utf8ID) {
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display, requestEvent.requestor,,
type, 8, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char *) ui.pasteText, strlen(ui.pasteText));
if( == XA_STRING || == ui.textID
|| == utf8ID) {
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display,
type, 8, PropModeReplace,
(const unsigned char *) ui.pasteText, strlen(ui.pasteText));
} else if ( == ui.targetID) {
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display, requestEvent.requestor,,
changePropertyResult = XChangeProperty(requestEvent.display,
XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &utf8ID, 1);
} else {
return false;

if(changePropertyResult == 0 || changePropertyResult == 1) {
XSelectionEvent sendEvent = {
.type = SelectionNotify,
.serial = requestEvent.serial,
.send_event = requestEvent.send_event,
.display = requestEvent.display,
.requestor = requestEvent.requestor,
.selection = requestEvent.selection,
.target =,
.property =,
.time = requestEvent.time

XSendEvent(ui.display, requestEvent.requestor, 0, 0, (XEvent *) &sendEvent);
if (changePropertyResult == 0 || changePropertyResult == 1) {
XSelectionEvent sendEvent = {
.type = SelectionNotify,
.serial = requestEvent.serial,
.send_event = requestEvent.send_event,
.display = requestEvent.display,
.requestor = requestEvent.requestor,
.selection = requestEvent.selection,
.target =,
.property =,
.time = requestEvent.time

XSendEvent(ui.display, requestEvent.requestor, 0, 0, (XEvent *) &sendEvent);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6393,6 +6543,77 @@ bool _UIMessageLoopSingle(int *result) {
return true;

void UIDragFilesStart(UIWindow *window, const char **paths, size_t count) {
if (window->inDrag) { return; }

for (uintptr_t pass = 0, size = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
if (pass) {
window->uriList = UI_MALLOC(size + 1);
size = 0;

for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (pass) {
window->uriList[size + 0] = 'f';
window->uriList[size + 1] = 'i';
window->uriList[size + 2] = 'l';
window->uriList[size + 3] = 'e';
window->uriList[size + 4] = ':';
window->uriList[size + 5] = '/';
window->uriList[size + 6] = '/';

size += 7;

for (uintptr_t j = 0; paths[i][j]; j++) {
char c = paths[i][j];

if (c == ' ' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '#' || c == '%'
|| c == '+' || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '|' || c == '\\'
|| c == '^' || c == '~' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '\''
|| c == ';' || c == '?' || c == ':' || c == '@'
|| c == '=' || c == '&' || c == '$' || c < 0x20) {
if (pass) {
const char *hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
window->uriList[size + 0] = '%';
window->uriList[size + 1] = hexChars[(c & 0xF0) >> 4];
window->uriList[size + 2] = hexChars[c & 0x0F];

size += 3;
} else {
if (pass) {
window->uriList[size + 0] = c;


if (pass) {
window->uriList[size + 0] = '\r';
window->uriList[size + 1] = '\n';

size += 2;

if (pass) {
window->uriList[size] = 0;

XChangeProperty(ui.display, window->window,
ui.dndTypeListID, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
(uint8_t *) &ui.uriListID, sizeof(Atom));
XSetSelectionOwner(ui.display, ui.dndSelectionID, window->window, CurrentTime);
window->inDrag = true;
window->dragDestination = None;
window->dragDestinationVersion = -1;
window->dragDestinationCanDrop = false;

void UIEpollAdd(int fd, UIEpollDispatchPtr *ptr) {
struct epoll_event event = {}; = EPOLLIN;
Expand Down

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