A small script for qBittorrent that blocks Xunlei, Thunder, XL0012,... clients automatically.
Default block list:
Thunder XL0012 BitComet XunLei Xfplay danda anacrolix devel dt/torrent unknown
Command line
Docker compose
- Usage
yarn start -h
USAGE: node qbt-filter.js [OPTION1] [OPTION2]... arg1 arg2...
The following options are supported:
-u, --url <ARG1> URL of qBittorrent without 'http://' or 'https://' ("" by default)
-p, --port <ARG1> Port of qBittorrent ("8080" by default)
-U, --username <ARG1> User to auth qBittorrent.
-P, --password <ARG1> Password to auth qBittorrent. Leave blank to disable auth.
-s, --ssl Use https protocol ("http" by default)
-t, --time-interval <ARG1> Time interval in seconds between filter checks ("10" by default)
-c, --time-clear <ARG1> Time interval in hours to clear banned peer list, 0 = disable ("0" by default)
-ci, --clear-immediately Clear immediately banned peer list
-w, --watch Watch all peers (output to sdtout)
-x, --block-clients Blocks clients unconditionally regardless of leeching status
-b, --block-list <ARG1>...<ARGN> Blocks clients conditionally with wildcards ("Thunder,XL0012,BitComet,Xunlei,Xfplay,danda,anacrolix,devel,dt/torrent,unknown" by default)
--delimiter <ARG1> Delimiter marks the beginning or end of a wildcard of list ("," by default)
--dry Dry run for test
--debug Print detail error logs
- Example command line:
# Show help:
yarn start -h
# Default params:
yarn start
# Custom params:
yarn start -u -p 8080 -t 10 -c 1
yarn start -u -p 8080 -U admin -P admin --dry --debug
- Example log:
[2025-01-08T19:43:03.841Z] Start filter with options
url: '',
port: '8080',
username: false,
password: false,
ssl: false,
'time-interval': '10',
'time-clear': '1',
'clear-immediately': false,
watch: false,
'block-clients': false,
'block-list': [
'Thunder', 'XL0012',
'BitComet', 'XunLei',
'Xfplay', 'danda',
'anacrolix', 'devel',
'dt/torrent', 'unknown'
delimiter: ',',
dry: false,
debug: false
[2025-01-08T19:43:03.849Z] No auth required. Ignored get cookie.
[2025-01-08T19:43:03.850Z] Fetching banned IPs...
[2025-01-08T19:43:03.925Z] Total 7 IPs banned.
[2025-01-08T19:44:14.081Z] Banned μTP Xunlei -XL0018- 🇨🇳 China
[2025-01-08T19:44:14.100Z] Total 8 IPs banned.
[2025-01-08T19:44:54.105Z] Banned BT XunLei 0019 -XL0019- 🇨🇳 China
[2025-01-08T19:44:54.115Z] Total 9 IPs banned.
# Update environment in .env
cp -rp .env.example .env
# Create file docker-compose.yml
container_name: qbittorrent-filters
image: thinhhv/qbittorrent-filters:latest
restart: always
pull_policy: always
network_mode: host
init: true
# Using command or update in environment
# (the params in command will override environment variables)
# command: sh -c "node qbt-filter.js -u -p 8080 -t 10 -c 1"
driver: "json-file"
max-size: "10m"
# Then up it
docker-compose up -d
If username and password is not configured,
will call direct API without authentication. -
Without authentication, you must use one of the two setting options in the qBittorrent UI:
- Bypass authentication for clients on localhost.
- Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets.
- Install dependencies
- Modify
as you want and run:
yarn dev
- The source code can run direct without build (using
node --experimental-strip-types src/index.ts
NodeJS v22). However, if you want bundle all your Node.js dependencies into a single file (commonjs), you can using build command:
# Install all dependencies include devDependencies
# Build
yarn build
- ThinhHV https://github.com/nakamuraos