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- moved 'print' back to its original place
- added comment to 'property_itoa_of_prog'
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suem committed Jun 6, 2017
1 parent 8baef48 commit e734cbb
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Showing 3 changed files with 35 additions and 35 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions banal/
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Expand Up @@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ let trace_bwd = false
(* *************** *)

module type APRON_PARAM = sig
module type NUMERICAL = sig
type lib
val manager: lib Manager.t

module Lin = Linearization.Make(Itv_rat)

module ApronDomain(Param: APRON_PARAM) = struct
module ApronDomain(Param: NUMERICAL) = struct

let man = Param.manager

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61 changes: 28 additions & 33 deletions domains/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ open Partition
open Constraints

module type APRON_PARAM = sig
module type NUMERICAL = sig
type lib
val manager: lib Manager.t
val supports_underapproximation: bool

(** Single partition of the domain of a ranking function
represented by an APRON numerical abstract domain. *)
module Numerical(Param: APRON_PARAM)(C: CONSTRAINT): PARTITION = struct
module Numerical(N: NUMERICAL)(C: CONSTRAINT): PARTITION = struct

(** Linear constraints used to represent the partition. *)
module C = C

module BanalApron = Banal_apron_domain.ApronDomain(Param)
module BanalApron = Banal_apron_domain.ApronDomain(N)

(** An element of the numerical abstract domain. *)
type t = {
Expand All @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module Numerical(Param: APRON_PARAM)(C: CONSTRAINT): PARTITION = struct
vars : var list (* list of variables in the APRON environment *)

type apron_t = Param.lib Abstract1.t
type apron_t = N.lib Abstract1.t

(** The current representation as list of linear constraints. *)
let constraints b: C.t list = List.fold_right (fun c cs ->
Expand All @@ -54,36 +54,10 @@ module Numerical(Param: APRON_PARAM)(C: CONSTRAINT): PARTITION = struct

(** Creates an APRON manager depending on the numerical abstract domain. *)

let manager = Param.manager
(* let manager = match N.t with *)
(* | BOXES -> Box.manager_of_box (Box.manager_alloc ()) *)
(* | OCTAGONS -> Oct.manager_of_oct (Oct.manager_alloc ()) *)
(* | POLYHEDRA -> Polka.manager_of_polka (Polka.manager_alloc_loose ()) *)
let manager = N.manager


let print fmt b =
let vars = b.vars in
let a = Lincons1.array_make b.env (List.length b.constraints) in
let i = ref 0 in
List.iter (fun c -> Lincons1.array_set a !i c; i := !i + 1) b.constraints;
let b = Abstract1.of_lincons_array manager b.env a in
let a = Abstract1.to_lincons_array manager b in
let cs = ref [] in
for i=0 to (Lincons1.array_length a)-1 do
cs := (Lincons1.array_get a i)::!cs;
match !cs with
| [] -> Format.fprintf fmt "top"
| x::_ ->
if (C.isBot x) then Format.fprintf fmt "bottom" else
let i = ref 1 and l = List.length !cs in
List.iter (fun c ->
C.print vars fmt c;
if (!i = l) then () else Format.fprintf fmt " && ";
i := !i + 1
) !cs

let bot e vs = {
constraints = [Lincons1.make_unsat e];
env = e;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,7 +190,7 @@ module Numerical(Param: APRON_PARAM)(C: CONSTRAINT): PARTITION = struct

let bwdAssign_underapprox (t:t) ((x,e): aExp * aExp) : t = match x with
| A_var x ->
if not Param.supports_underapproximation then
if not N.supports_underapproximation then
raise (Invalid_argument "Underapproximation not supported by this abstract domain, use polyhedra instead");
let env = t.env in
let vars = t.vars in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,7 +222,7 @@ module Numerical(Param: APRON_PARAM)(C: CONSTRAINT): PARTITION = struct

let filter_underapprox (t:t) (e:bExp) : t =
if not Param.supports_underapproximation then
if not N.supports_underapproximation then
raise (Invalid_argument "Underapproximation not supported by this abstract domain, use octagons or polyhedra instead");
let env = t.env in
let vars = t.vars in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,6 +304,27 @@ module Numerical(Param: APRON_PARAM)(C: CONSTRAINT): PARTITION = struct


let print fmt b =
let vars = b.vars in
let a = Lincons1.array_make b.env (List.length b.constraints) in
let i = ref 0 in
List.iter (fun c -> Lincons1.array_set a !i c; i := !i + 1) b.constraints;
let b = Abstract1.of_lincons_array manager b.env a in
let a = Abstract1.to_lincons_array manager b in
let cs = ref [] in
for i=0 to (Lincons1.array_length a)-1 do
cs := (Lincons1.array_get a i)::!cs;
match !cs with
| [] -> Format.fprintf fmt "top"
| x::_ ->
if (C.isBot x) then Format.fprintf fmt "bottom" else
let i = ref 1 and l = List.length !cs in
List.iter (fun c ->
C.print vars fmt c;
if (!i = l) then () else Format.fprintf fmt " && ";
i := !i + 1
) !cs


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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions frontend/
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Expand Up @@ -356,6 +356,11 @@ let property_itoa ctx env (property,a) =
| A_boolean (exp,a) -> StringMap.add lbl (exp,a) (StringMap.add "" (A_FALSE,a) StringMap.empty)
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "property_itoa:I_particular"))

Converts a parsed property to it's AbstractSyntax version. In constrast to 'property_itoa', this function takes the result
of 'prog_itoa' and a main function as argument. This makes it possible to convert additional properties for a given program
without having to construct the internal context and environment data structures after the program has already been converted.
let property_itoa_of_prog prog main property =
let (globals,_,funcs) = prog in
let f = StringMap.find main funcs in
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