A Java library for creating HMAC Signature for request authentication
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A helper test generateSignatureFromGivenInputs
has been created at (~/core/HmacAuthenticationSignerTest.java
that will run the algorithm to generate the required components needed to build the string to sign and then sign it
with a given secret access key.
Before running the tests the request inputs needed are:
- this is the request method, for instanceGET
- this is the request path excluding the query params if there are any;queryString
- this represents the string value of the query parameters, for instance if a request would have a multi-value parameters (ieembed=["plan", "coverage"])
) the string value of it would beembed=[\"plan\", \"coverage\"]
- this is the access key id of the secret access key, to be used for generating the hmac request;secretAccessKey
- this is the base64 value of the secret access used to sign the string to sign.
The output on the console will include the timestamp used to generate the signature and the generated hmac signature in base64 format:
Signature Timestamp: 1664456981
Generated Hmac Signature: rMB+J0VH8PCWY09MDljzXO1q8j5T8l+FORMQ56RVfPs=
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