- Install anaconda
- Create a new environment using
:- Option 1: Use anaconda navigator to import the environment untested
- Option 2: Create the environment with the command line:
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Online using Binder. This takes around 10 minutes to get ready, but does not require any kind of setup on your end. Click here to get started: [
- Interactive tutorial at DataCamp (only free parts)
- Interactive tutorial at Learn Python (skip advanced part)
- Python for Biologists: covers same topics that were covered in the Python basics part of the course LACDR course
- Python data science handbook
- Matplotlib tutorial
- Interactive Python (jupyter and jupyterlab)
- Seaborn tutorial
- Effective Pandas
- Cheat sheets (Python)
- Python Graph Gallery
- Markdown for jupyter
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- ggplot: similar to R's ggplot
- plotly and bokeh: interactive plots
IDEs are usefull for developing code.