Tools to enhance the experience for Bilgi University's website
Most of the scripts here are userscripts. They require the Chrome/Firefox extension Tampermonkey or something similar to work. They can be made into a separate extensions, but doing it this way reduces the amount of extensions you need to add.
After installing Tampermonkey, click on the extension's icon and hit 'Create a new script...', then copy and paste the entire code from one of the scripts.
Displays courses as a List instead of the weird default Cards format.
Adds a button on the Zoom Recordings page to directly download info of all recordings of this course as a csv file. The info include: Recording link, recording password, meeting topic, total duration, recording start time, recording size.
NOTE: this tool should work fine, but due to the way it works, try avoid abusing it too much.
A Python script that takes the Excel file for exams dates and the courses names as input, and gives each course's exam date and time as output.
Usage: open command prompt in the same folder as the script, then type:
python3 -c "COURSES" -i "PATH TO EXCEL FILE"
Replace COURSES with the names of courses want to search for. And replace PATH TO EXCEL FILE with the full path to the exams excel file.
Example usage:
python3 -c "MATH 292, EEEN 202, MECA 202" -i "C:/Users/USERNAME/Downloads/examschedulebycampusdatehourcourse4.xls"
EEEN 202 @ 25.04.2022 Pazartesi/Monday. Time: ['19:00:00']
MATH 292 @ 27.04.2022 Çarşamba/Wednesday. Time: ['19:00:00']
MECA 202 @ 29.04.2022 Cuma/Friday. Time: ['11:00:00']
NOTE: Don't forget the space between the course code and the number. "MATH 292" is fine, "MATH292" is not.
Lets you manually fix the sync between the Zoom recording and the chat messages. Also, automatically scrolls to the current chat message.
Found a bug? Report it in the issues tab.
You assume full responsibility when using any of the provided tools.
These tools are for educational purposes only.