Forked and modified from SeaOfOcean at
This repository provides a MLflow plugin that allows users to use Aliyun OSS as the artifact store for MLflow.
Pip install the package on both your client and the server
pip install mlflow_oss_artifact
Configure environment variables in your OS for Aliyun OSS authentication
Note: checkout this post on stackoverflow to make them permanent if necessary
export MLFLOW_OSS_KEY_ID=<your_oss_key_id>
export MLFLOW_OSS_KEY_SECRET=<your_oss_key_secret>
export MLFLOW_OSS_BUCKET_NAME=<your_bucket_name>
To use To use Aliyun OSS as an artifact store, an OSS URI of the form oss://<path>
must be provided, as shown in the example below:
import mlflow
import mlflow.pyfunc
class Mod(mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel):
def predict(self, ctx, inp):
return 7
exp_name = "myexp"
mlflow.create_experiment(exp_name, artifact_location="oss://mlflow-test/")
mlflow.pyfunc.log_model('model_test', python_model=Mod())
In the example provided above, the log_model
operation creates three entries in the OSS storage oss://mlflow-test/$RUN_ID/artifacts/model_test/
, the MLmodel file
and the conda.yaml file associated with the model.