sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
cd RoBO/
for req in $(cat requirements.txt); do pip install $req; done
python install
Step 4: follow the instructions at to compile the codes in cuda-convnet2 and cuda-convnet2-modified
Step 1: Download the cifar10 dataset from and uncompress into folder data
Step 2: Change the constants ROOT_ML_DIR and EXAMPLES_LINK in RoBO/robo/task/ml/ with the repository_root_folder and the repository_root_folder/RoBO/examples
python RoBO/examples/
Step 1: Download the cifar10 dataset from and uncompress into folder data
python data/
Step 3: Change the constants ROOT_ML_DIR and EXAMPLES_LINK in RoBO/robo/task/ml/ with the repository_root_folder and the repository_root_folder/RoBO/examples
python RoBO/examples/