- This repository contains the materials for the Computational Law + Blockchain Festival, Workshop 2
- Link to the Keynote slides
- Specifications: link
- Recommended values for deploying the contracts:
- _tenant: the first address
- _landlord: the second address
- _paymentPeriod: 300 (5min)
- _rentPerPeriod: 2000000000000000000 (2 Ethers)
- Step 1: copy the contract code here to ethfiddle
- Step 2: deploy with the configs above
- Step 3: explore!
- checkAddressBalance: input an address to check its Ether balance
- checkContractBalance: check the balance in the contract
- Specifications: link
- Recommended values for deploying the contracts:
- _authority: the first address
- _tenant: the second address
- _landlord: the third address
- _paymentPeriod: 300 (5min)
- _numberOfPeriods: 4
- _rentPerPeriod: 2000000000000000000 (2 Ethers)
- _depositAmount: 3000000000000000000 (3 Ethers)
- Specifications: link
- Recommended values for deploying the contracts:
- _authority: the first address
- _tenant: the second address
- _landlord: the third address
- _startDate: 0
- _paymentPeriod: 300 (5min)
- _numberOfPeriods: 4
- _rentPerPeriod: 2000000000000000000 (2 Ethers)
- _paymentDeadlineSincePeriodStart: 60 (1min)
- _maximumLatePaymentDuration: 240 (4 min)
- _terminationNotice: 180 (3 min)
- _depositAmount: 3000000000000000000 (3 Ethers)