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mph- edited this page Apr 26, 2015 · 2 revisions


  • Improve SymPy decorator. It would useful if SymPy provided this so that all its myriads of classes could be hidden behind a generic SymPy expression.

  • Speed up residue calculation, perhaps by avoiding limits where possible.

  • Generalise two-port representations.

  • Provide consistent naming of Dirac delta, Heaviside unit step, etc.

  • Add means so that SymPy can display imaginary values using j.

  • Push inverse Laplace of rational functions into SymPy.

  • Extend SymPy's Laplace transform so lower limit is -epsilon, where epsilon tends to zero. This will catch interesting events at t=0, such as Dirac deltas and Heaviside unit steps. Note, with the current definition, then a Dirac delta results in 1/2 instead of 1.

    >>> import sympy as sym
    >>> t = sym.symbols('t', real=True)
    >>> s = sym.symbols('s')
    >>> sym.laplace_transform(sym.DiracDelta(t), t, s)
    (1/2, -oo, True)


  • Add other controlled sources CCCS (F), VCCS (G), CCVS (H).
  • Add mechanical/acoustical components.


  • Switch png images to svg for notebook but need to resolve shared namespace for multiple images.
  • Add fully diffential amplifiers (FDA).
  • Add transmission line element.
  • Automatic component orientation!


  • Add many more unit tests!
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