Some people don't like the presence of a user.clj. If you're one of those people, you know what I mean. if you're not, then don't worry about it and carry on. ;)
This is a loose and currently undocumented collection of code bits written while reading Data-Driven Security, by Jacobs and Rudis. I recommend the book.
This is experimentation/learning code -- all you can really do with this project
is try out bits of src/r_incantations/core.clj
in a REPL.
Various bits of this code currently assume you have downloaded the
code and data files for the book and placed them in this repo's top
directory under book-data. If you've got /bin/sh, curl, and unzip (or
you aren't sure but want to try it anyhow), you can execute the
script to do this automatically.
Generally speaking, on Linux or Mac OSX you should be able to do this:
The book uses R and the Pandas Python library, and I want to learn to use the Clojure Incanter library in parallel.
This is currently incomplete, because.
Hopefully, someday, I'll have a chance to finish this (whatever that means!), clean it all up, and add some mo/better documentation.
I found it useful to have my working code/REPL open in one terminal, and the following files from the Incanter repo open in another (so I could easily toggle back and forth):
- modules/incanter-charts/src/incanter/charts.clj
- modules/incanter-core/src/incanter/stats.clj
- modules/incanter-core/src/incanter/core.clj
Copyright © 2014 Matt Oquist [email protected]
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.