homeshick keeps your dotfiles up to date using only git and bash. It can handle many dotfile repositories at once, so you can beef up your own dotfiles with bigger projects like oh-my-zsh and still keep everything organized.
For detailed installation instructions, tutorials and tips & tricks have a look at the wiki.
homeshick is installed to your own home directory and does not require root privileges to be installed.
git clone git:// $HOME/.homesick/repos/homeshick
To invoke homeshick from sh and its derivates (bash, zsh etc.) source the
script from your rc-script:
printf '\nsource "$HOME/.homesick/repos/homeshick/"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
csh and derivatives (i.e. tcsh):
printf '\nalias homeshick source "$HOME/.homesick/repos/homeshick/bin/homeshick.csh"' >> $HOME/.cshrc
fish shell:
echo \n'source "$HOME/.homesick/repos/homeshick/"' >> "$HOME/.config/fish/"