Python's configuration switcher by an environment variable inspired by Common Lisp's envy
Swing is a configuration manager for python app, it uses an environment variable to determine a configuration to use. It makes developer switching configurations between different situations quickly.
pip install swing
Assuming that you want to use a database while developing, and use another database when running it in production enviroment, using swing, it's simple, only one step:
Just define your configurations in some place of your code, eg.
from swing import ConfigBase
class DevelopmentConfig(ConfigBase):
__confname__ = "development"
DEBUG = True
DB_CONNECTION = "mysql://username:password@ip:port/dev_db"
class ProductionConfig(ConfigBase):
__confname__ = "production"
DEBUG = False
DB_CONNECTION = "mysql://username:password@ip:port/production_db"
And you can access the configurations where you need now, eg.
import settings # this makes the configuration known by Swing
from swing import config
print config.DB_CONNECTION
Now, you can now set the Envrioment Variable APP_ENV
's value to "development"
, and swing will use the "development" configuration.
eg. in unix-like systems, you will get:
$ APP_ENV=development python
while with APP_ENV=production
$ APP_ENV=production python
that's swing :)
You have to subclass the class ConfigBase
to declare a configuration, and the configuration's name can be defined through the class's __confname__
attribute. If you do not set the __confname__
, Swing will take the configuarion as the default configuration.
Then you can control which configuration to use through the Enviroment Variable, and access the attributes of the configuration through config
By default, the Environment Variable Swing used to control which configuration to use is APP_ENV
. You can change it through set_env_var(the_new_enviroment_var)
to get current Enviroment Variable
You can define some common configuration sharing by multiple configurations by just following the inheritance of python class, eg:
from swing import ConfigBase
class CommonConfig(ConfigBase):
SOME_COMMEN_SETTING = "some commen setting"
class DevelopmentConfig(CommonConfig):
__confname__ = "development"
DEBUG = True
DB_CONNECTION = "mysql://username:password@ip:port/dev_db"
class ProductionConfig(CommonConfig):
__confname__ = "production"
DEBUG = False
DB_CONNECTION = "mysql://username:password@ip:port/production_db"
All the api available throgh swing.API
class ConfigBase
The super class used to define a configuration
- the configuration name, "default" if not declared
This object points to the current configuration, you can access to the configuraton by accessing the object's attribute
def switch_config(confname)
switch to a the configuration the confname points
- the configuration the you want to use
def refresh_config()
refresh the current configuration according to the current Eviroment Variable
def clear_config()
clear all configuration that defined yet
def set_env_var(env_var)
set the Enviroment Variable that swing used to determine which configuration to use
- the Enviroment Variable to use
def get_env_var()
get the current Enviroment Variable
- Monklof ([email protected])