This patch release has the following changes:
- Update config template (@ivanovaleksey)
- MONGOID-3806 use where with delete conditions instead of driver API for #delete_all.
- Fix YARD doc for Criteria#merge method (@ivanovaleksey)
- Add support for matching index of an array (@loganyu)
- Refactor eager preload to avoid stack overflow (@Val)
- Small improvement to spec for Touchable (@johnnyshields)
- MONGOID-4415 Ensure that storage options of parent are used for embedded docs when persisting
- MONGOID-4319 Don't replace relation if new one is identical to existing.
- Fix sort to id_sort option typos (@hartator)
- MONGOID-4416 Don't run touch callbacks when #touch is called on an object from a relation's callback
- MONGOID-4418 Don't allow PersistenceContext method as field names
- Fix compatibility of Mongoid::Contextual::None with other contexts by adding distinct (@ElMassimo)
- Update mongoid-queries.txt (@wndfly)
- Update mongoid-queries.txt with valid ruby (@arbourd)
- RUBY-1207 Note that username and password are required for most auth mechanisms.
- MONGOID-4426 Account for nil value in Hash field before setting
- Allow raw bson regexp query criteria on fields specified as Strings
- MONGOID-4425 #as_document continues to return BSON::Document, but use internal api method #as_attributes otherwise
- MONGOID-4431 Avoid use of certain names in Synchronization module so not to interfer with attribute names
- MONGOID-3678 Change #matches? to #_matches? to avoid relation name clash
- MONGOID-4435 Don't convert option keys to String from Symbols when cloning criteria
- Travis and Evergreen improvements
- API docs available at https://docs.mongodb.com/mongoid/6.1/api/
Tickets that are closed as of this release without changes: