Seng 480A Formal Methods final project Team: Cole McGinn, Gaurav Thakur, Muhammad Zubair,
##Part 1: Simple TCS The TCS shall control a four-way intersection. The lights are automatically toggled based on a predefined interval.
Prove that your specification meets the following properties:
- Either NS direction or EW direction are green (or yellow) but not both.
- Traffic lights always cycle in the same order, from red to green to yellow to red… etc.
- The system behaviour is lively, i.e., no traffic light gets stuck at a particular colour.
##Part 2: TCS with pedestrian crossing We now add pedestrian crossings in each direction. Pedestrians can push a button, indicating that they are willing to cross. Pedestrian lights remain red unless a pedestrian has indicated a willingness to cross. Pedestrians have a limited amount of time for crossing (green phase). Create a new specification for the TCS with pedestrian crossings.
Prove that the new specification is an implementation of the specification of Part 1, under a refinement mapping. Prove that your specification meets the following properties:
A button press by a pedestrian will eventually lead to a green pedestrian light in the desired direction.
A pedestrian light can only become green when all vehicle lights are red.
If a pedestrian light is green in a particular direction (NS or EW), then traffic lights in the opposite direction must be red.
Pedestrian lights cycle orderly (red → green → yello → red, etc.)
The green-yellow interval for pedestrians is shorter than the green-yellow interval for vehicles in the same direction.
##Part 3: TCS with Traffic-awareness
We now add vehicle sensors in the road for traffic-awareness in our TCS. The idea of a travelaware TCS is to maximize green cycles based on vehicle traffic load. Each lane oncoming to the intersection now has a vehicle occupation sensor. This allows the TCS to consider oncoming traffic when controlling the traffic light. You may assume that the vehicle sensor is perfect (even detects bicycles), so that light-switching of the new TCS system can be controlled completely by sensors rather than time-based switch.
Create a new specification for the TCS with traffic-awareness. Prove that the new specification is an implementation of the specification of Part 2, under a refinement mapping. Prove that your specification meets the following properties:
- If a vehicle is detected in an oncoming lane, eventually the traffic light in the corresponding direction will switch to green.
##Part 4: Implement your TCS programs Implement all three versions of the TCS system in a language of your choice. The programs should be able to simulate and visualize the intersection Annotate your program code for traceability to the specification, i.e., your annotations should show how your source code relates to your specification. (This is called taceability. It is required in many standards on developing safety-critical systems.)
Also add automated unit tests to test your program implementation.