This is a server-side of group project building multiplayer game Wheel of Fortune using new Server-sent Events technology. You can find a client-side repository here
- Technologies used
- Goals for this project
- Server Sent Events
- Features built so far
- Endpoints used in API
- PostgreSQL
- JavaScript
- Server-Sent Events (json-sse)
- Token Authentication(jsonwebtoken, bcryptjs)
- Sequelize
- ExpressJS
- To practice teamwork
- To create a full-stack-app with the given features in a given time
- To learn the server-sent events
- To practice disciplined git usage with correct branching
In this project, we are allowing multiple game rooms to be streamed simultaneusly through the user of server sent events (json-sse).
The project initializes an object which populates stream data for each game room. Each stream data is an object that contains an array of clients (user ids) and a stream object. Stream datas are indexed by game id and they are dynamically created when a new game room is created.
- Create DB for Users
- Create DB for Players
- Create DB for Category
- Create DB for Games
- Create DB for Letters
- Create DB for Word
- Add authentication
- Server built for App
These are the available endpoints of the API @root :
- POST @root/users:
Creates a new user.
- POST @root/logins:
Logs in the user and returns an identification token valid for 2 hours.
- POST @root/category:
Creates a new category for a game.
- GET @root/category:
Returns a list of available categories in the game.
- GET @root/category/:id:
Returns a single category with given id.
- GET @root/stream:
Returns the stream of all games.
- GET @root/game/:id:
Returns single game with given id with belonging players and category.
- POST @root/game:
Creates a new game.
- PUT @root/game/:id:
Changes the game parameters (wheelValue, gussed array and given letters).
- GET @root/letters:
Returns a list of all available letters.
- POST @root/letters:
Creates a set of letters for guessing the word.
- GET @root/scoreboard:
Returns a list of players with beloning scores.
- GET @root/players/:id:
Returns a single player with beloning score.
- POST @root/players:
Creates a single player with given name.
- PUT @root/players/:id:
Updates a single player with the current score.
- POST @root/category/:id:
Creates a word with given description and hint that belongs to the given category