Some little programs I did to learn some stuff, low level assembly code usually Code is not always polished and english/spanish comments and names are mixed. I will fix it if I extend them.
- Matrix multiplication splitting matrix and using several processes.
- 10^x calculation with the FPU.
- Easy operation using c inline assembly blocks.
- Image blending with MMX instructions.
- FFT using SSE code to improve performance.
- Assembly implementation of some low level multiplication and division algorithms.
- Calculator written in Sparc assembly.
- Music search webapp.
- Float point triangle area calculation.
- Sorting algorithms: Python implementation of bubble, selection, insertion, merge and quicksort. Just to learn, this quicksort is still 10x slower than sorted(list). They are not implemented in a very pythonic way. There is also a nice function to measure the performance of the different algorithms with loglog plots.