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Brian "Moses" Hall edited this page Nov 3, 2021 · 1 revision

Basic Testing

The test directory contains a Ruby Minitest suite. test/test_shipment.rb contains a facility for creating test shipments based on a simple minilanguage using minimal TIFF and JP2 fixtures.

> bundle exec rake test
> bundle exec rubocop


> docker-compose run --rm test
> docker-compose run --rm test bundle exec rubocop

(Run both sets before issuing a pull request.)

Shipment Subclass Testing

test/test_helper contains a crude facility that generates parallel tests based on Shipment and its DLXSShipment subclass. Further subclasses should be added to the generate_tests class methods as they are created. Most or all of the Stage tests use this, so there is plenty of example code. Any class that interfaces with Shipment should be tested against all subclasses.

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