[2791] Fulcrum unresponsive [BUG]
[2917] Test performance of large file size interactive map [SUBTASK OF 2551]
[3320] Updates to Fulcrum home
[3332] Compute Riiif URLs based on convention or some fast index
[3368] RIIIF cache-breaking refactor follow up
[3382] PDF chapter downloadability check issue
[3387] [BAR] Publish BAR backlist batch April 2020
[3457] Test ingest interactive map files for AHPI title
[3471] Migrate existing ACP content to aboutware [SUBTASK OF 3369]
[3473] Modify heliotrope styles and configuration for ACP [SUBTASK OF 3369]
[3477] Make search and filter results page distinct from publisher catalog landing page
[3478] Notify assistive technology after completing a search or filter
[3483] Create OPDS feed for UMPEBC OA titles in SimplyE
[3497] User test Access Level work
[3510] Create sample HTML conversions for ProQuest [SUBTASK OF 3406]
[3517] Process HEB MARC records to meet OCLC requirements
[3538] September 2020 EBC Batch
[3539] Review samples from Ubiquity
[3542] Solr locking issue
[3558] Cache Clearing takes too long
[3560] Create collections for Asian Studies HOB and Dialogues in Democracy at D&I services
[3562] Data Studios reports not loading [BUG]
[3570] Fix OA_Gold vs. Controlled in COUNTER and its impact on HEB Royalty Reports
[3572] Changes to format of HEB Royalty Reports [SUBTASK OF 3570]
[3573] Regenerate new-formatted Royalty Reports for July-Dec 2019 with existing usage data [SUBTASK OF 3570]
[3575] Apply OA_Gold logic retroactively for 2020 COUNTER data [SUBTASK OF 3570]
[3576] Regenerate Royalty Reports for Jan-Jun 2020 excluding OA titles [SUBTASK OF 3570]
[3580] Mid-October 2020 EBC Batch
[3582] Upload, embed resources, captions/alt text - October 2020 [SUBTASK OF 3580]
[3585] Add more titles to Dialogue in Democracy collection
[3586] Add greensub / heliotropium sections to heliotrope github README and wiki
[3591] Process and Publish EBC Givan/Strike for the Common Good
[819] Adding users/roles meeting [CLEANUP]
[3327] PDF Chapter File Creation Fails Gracefully and Cleans Up Chapter Files [WON’T DO]