Sprint 94: December 11-18, 2019, Release 2.51
● [1806] Tabpanel headings should be available to assistive technology
● [2690] Plan for UARC Evaluation Round 2
● [2884] Improving the usability of e-book search results when sections contain multiple
mentions of a term
● [3071] Upload, embed resources, captions/alt text - November/December 2019
● [3087] Update KBART file generation so it can handle first file for new EBC year
● [3094] Edit Work "translation missing: en.hyrax.institution_name" [BUG]
● [3105] EPUB text won't resize for certain Lever titles [BUG]
● [3115] Publish Southampton titles for BAR
● [3116] Batch ingest Southampton titles into BAR
● [3117] Book Location for testing in Shapiro or Hatcher [SUBTASK OF 2690]
● [3120] Press catalog "Publication Date" sort should fall back on date_published
● [181] CSB: Improve Navigation slider's communication with assistive technology
[VoiceOver, NVDA]
● [241] CSB: Change the way Search.Control get locations [BUG]
● [244] Fix styling of numbered search results display (was 3114)
● [3090] Investigate Turbolinks with VoiceOver and NVDA [CLEANUP]