#104 Thumbnails for office documents - LOW PRIORITY
#379 favicon.ico
#1149 Deploy Michigan/Turner to Production
#1381 Investigate tables as assets
#1393 Create sample Gabii EPUB
#1397 Develop packaging method for WebGL assets
#1405 FileSet thumbnail upload
#1409 CSB "Skip to main content" anchor [BUG]
#1444 Remove SubBrands
#1445 Disable survey
#1449 Iterate Gabii Style Guide
#1450 Large file uploads are very slow [BUG]
#1458 Merge different monograph catalog pages
#1460 Monograph handle field
#1463 Add Turner to Fulcrum homepage
#1465 The media tab shouldn't display if there are no assets
#1467 Support for legacy browsers [BUG]
#1470 update CSB
#1472 human-readable file size
#1503 Review MSU-UARC screener survey
#224 Nicer UI for selecting sub brands (Monograph edit form) - LOW PRIORITY
#1420 Store and display handles/DOIs on the Monograph [CLEANUP]
[110] CSB: Build in support for IE11 and IE10
[115] CSB: Event handling for WebGL
[116] CSB: Edge: Prev/Next buttons display on top of Modal overlays [BUG]
[117] CSB: License infringement
[118] CSB: Add license and refactor/remove un-used parts of code
[120] CSB: cozy-sun-bear should not freak out if section cannot be found [BUG]
[121] CSB: Support for skip links in host applications