ZX Spectrum Emulator FPGA Sipeed Tang Primer 20k
This repo contains ZX Spectrum emulator on FPGA. I have used Sipeed Tang Primer 20k fpga board. Currently video (HDMI otuput) and keyborad is working (keyboard attached trhough PMOD pins).
I have used ZX Spectrum 48k Mini keyboard V2.3 (PCB board with microswitches). I believe normal ZX Spectrum keybard can be used.
I`m not VHDL/FPGA specialist. I'm learner. I have learned a lot while doing this project.
I have used following IP Cores taken from Gowin EDA - https://www.gowinsemi.com/en/support/download_eda/ :
- DVI TX for HDMI output
- Gowin PLL - for getting frequency for HDMI
- Gowin DPB - RAM memory
- Second GOWIN DPB for video memory attributes - memory are which contains color and flash information.
- GOWIN PROM - ROM memory - already added ZX Spectrum ROM (according to Amstrad, it is freely distributable). ZX Spectrum ROM Licensing
External sources:
- T80 - Z80 CPU core is taken from https://github.com/mist-devel/T80
My plan is to add:
- sound output
- possibility to load some files
Place and Route stats Logic 3074/20736 15%
- LUT,ALU,ROM16 2978(2752 LUT, 226 ALU, 0 ROM16)
- SSRAM(RAM16) 16
Register 739/16173 5%
- Logic Register as FF 738/15552 5%
- I/O Register as FF 1/621 <1%
CLS 1905/10368 19%
I/O Port 27 -
I/O Buf 22
- Input Buf 8
- Output Buf 14
BSRAM 25 DPB 9 pROM 74%
PLL 2/4 50%
Comment: memory block is heavily used. I wanted to have simplified design. For sake of simplicity, I have postponed usage of DDR memory on board. Maybe in later timer I`ll add DDR. Anyway, there is a lot of logic space for new features.